kalau org tnya, macam mana sekarang semua ok? mesti la jawapan dia semua ok.. bergantung skop semua tu besar mana je..
selalu jawap semua tu yg semua dalam skop kecik.. sbb kalau yg skop besar, slalu je ada masalah.. atau tidak stabil.. ye, kurang stabil..
umur pon da meningkat, x kan nak hidup sengsorang smpai tua kan?? tapi tu lah, pengalaman mengajar untuk bertatih kembali.. susah.. banyak sgt nmpak flaws orang yg baru kenal, judging x tentu pasal, buruk sangka.. bahaya! aku dah diambang bahaya.. terlalu cautious org kata..
camne nak start balek hati ni supaya terima org tu seadanya?? susah lah kalau dulu kita dah bagi 110% tapi org tu koyak2 hati kita kan.. hurm
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
change ur lifestyle
so, for the past 2 weeks, i had eat clean and do some workout.. sbb cuti haritu gain 7 kilos in a blink.. OMG! huhu, fat belly, fat arms, chubby cheeks, and bye bye dress.. T_T sgt sedih, tapi nikmat makan makann kat mesia yg best tu sapa boley sangkal kan??
so on 1/9/2014, masa nak gi kelas, pakai la cardigan yg slalu pakai, pastu ketat dekat lengan.. rasa cam nak nanges, sbb dah x ley nak pakai baju feveretttt.. tapi masa september tu, malas lagi nak berdiet n bersenam.. skali, bila dah nak dekat sambutan raya kat volgo ni, jubah raya x muat aish, memang mmbakar semangt eat clean n workout!
so, start eat clean n diet on 28/9/2014.. roughly dah dua minggu..
so what did i do??
1. workout tiap2 malam.. aerobik guna video bipasha basu workout indoor unleash, memang berpeluh2!! (video kat bawah).. memang best dan berpeluh.. full body workot.. sapa2 stamina tinggi boleh buat 2 rounds.. satu round about 20 minutes.. squat sgt banyakk, kaki saket esoknyaaaaaaa
2. 7 minutes workout.. download apps kat apps store or play store.. buat satu cycle pon dah penat.. ada plank, side plank, triceps dip, crunches and many more.. tapi besttt, cardio n toning all in one..
3. abs workout.. tgok kat utube je,, fit blender,, rasa terbakar semua rectus abdomnalis.. ohoooooo..memang best.. routine dia kejap je 10 minutes only.. tapi memang berkesan..
4. atau alternate ngan exercise ni,. if dah bosan dengan routine yg sama.. (goodbye muffin top).. haha, lawak, baru tahu diorg panggil perut buncit tu muffin top.. hehe
5. post workout smoothie.. kene replenish balik energy n recover muscle sore after workout.. jangan minum air kosong je.. x cukup! so buat la smoothie
banana-strawberry smoothie
-1 banana
-1cup strawberry ( i used frozen strawberry)
-1 cup kefir/ yogurt
-1 cup grapes
-mints leaves
good for ur muscle and gastrointestinal tract.. byk probiotic in kefir.. memang bagus for digestion and weight loss..
6. green smoothie for breakfast
green smoothie
-2 cabbage leaves
-1 carrot
-1 apple
-1 small size cucumber
-1 cup kefir/yogurt
-1/2 cup milk (optional, if the smoothie is to thick or hard to blend u can add some milk)
rich in fiber and sgt mengenyngkan.. even bekal pergi kelas pon bawak smoothie ni.. sbb x nak terbeli roti yg rich in carbs..
7. add on protien, like chicken breast, red beans, scramble eggs, almonds, sunflower seeds..
8. drink a loooot of water.. about 2.5 litres a day..
9. drink up to 5 cups of green tea without sugar a day..
so, for the past 2 weeks, i had eat clean and do some workout.. sbb cuti haritu gain 7 kilos in a blink.. OMG! huhu, fat belly, fat arms, chubby cheeks, and bye bye dress.. T_T sgt sedih, tapi nikmat makan makann kat mesia yg best tu sapa boley sangkal kan??
so on 1/9/2014, masa nak gi kelas, pakai la cardigan yg slalu pakai, pastu ketat dekat lengan.. rasa cam nak nanges, sbb dah x ley nak pakai baju feveretttt.. tapi masa september tu, malas lagi nak berdiet n bersenam.. skali, bila dah nak dekat sambutan raya kat volgo ni, jubah raya x muat aish, memang mmbakar semangt eat clean n workout!
so, start eat clean n diet on 28/9/2014.. roughly dah dua minggu..
-berat masih sama
-waist dah kurang seinci
-same goes with lengan
-baju cardigan tu dah loose, looooooosseeeeeeeeeee
-seluar dah loose
-badan rasa ringan
-stamina memang meningkat! (can play volley n futsal without gasping for air even sejam maen nonstop)
1. workout tiap2 malam.. aerobik guna video bipasha basu workout indoor unleash, memang berpeluh2!! (video kat bawah).. memang best dan berpeluh.. full body workot.. sapa2 stamina tinggi boleh buat 2 rounds.. satu round about 20 minutes.. squat sgt banyakk, kaki saket esoknyaaaaaaa
2. 7 minutes workout.. download apps kat apps store or play store.. buat satu cycle pon dah penat.. ada plank, side plank, triceps dip, crunches and many more.. tapi besttt, cardio n toning all in one..
![]() |
huih, ni ponat niiii.. tapi berbaloiiiiii |
4. atau alternate ngan exercise ni,. if dah bosan dengan routine yg sama.. (goodbye muffin top).. haha, lawak, baru tahu diorg panggil perut buncit tu muffin top.. hehe
banana-strawberry smoothie
-1 banana
-1cup strawberry ( i used frozen strawberry)
-1 cup kefir/ yogurt
-1 cup grapes
-mints leaves
good for ur muscle and gastrointestinal tract.. byk probiotic in kefir.. memang bagus for digestion and weight loss..
6. green smoothie for breakfast
green smoothie
-2 cabbage leaves
-1 carrot
-1 apple
-1 small size cucumber
-1 cup kefir/yogurt
-1/2 cup milk (optional, if the smoothie is to thick or hard to blend u can add some milk)
rich in fiber and sgt mengenyngkan.. even bekal pergi kelas pon bawak smoothie ni.. sbb x nak terbeli roti yg rich in carbs..
7. add on protien, like chicken breast, red beans, scramble eggs, almonds, sunflower seeds..
8. drink a loooot of water.. about 2.5 litres a day..
9. drink up to 5 cups of green tea without sugar a day..
and remember!!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
selama ini
tahun 2014
setakat 9 bulan ni, dh macam2 jadi untuk tahun ni, haha, sapa sangka dlm masa singkat gini, dunia someone boley berubah dari atas ke bawah, like a wheel, tu lah, org kata hidup ni memang ada naek turunnya.. kalau selalu duduk atas, mungkin satu hari jatuh menjunam.. tpi, hari tu x kan ada siapa tahu..
stakat ni, thn ni byk mengajar sy tntng acceptance
penerimaan kita bila ditipu
bila kene curang
bila di beri harapan palsu
bila kebenaran dibongkar bila kita dah sikit lagi nak terjebak dengan kebohongan
hati ni, tahun ni dah corak camping habis
mata pon dah kering
rasa mcm bertimpa2 kene
tapi sekarang, bila tgok balik, rasa nak gelak pon ada
pahit tu lah yang lama kelamaan akan jadikan hidup ni ada rasa
x de la plain sangat
klu tgok movie or drama memang da boleh relate bila ada watak yg nangis separuh gila sbb kene cheat, seronok jugak sbb paham apa yg dirasa
move on dah, cuma kadang2 teringat tu je,
no string attached
phone mati pon wa x kesah, hidup dah beza nk compare ngan last year
kadang2 x tau pun bila org akan cari diri ni
cam x diperlukan pon ada
loser sikittt disitu
saja je nak maen tulis2 kat sini, ye lah, mana x rasa nk cmpak brg
baru lepas kene tipu, tiba2 org laen bagi hope palsu pulak
susah nk pecaya betol
hahahaa, apa la nak jadi dalam remaining of 2014 ni..
setakat 9 bulan ni, dh macam2 jadi untuk tahun ni, haha, sapa sangka dlm masa singkat gini, dunia someone boley berubah dari atas ke bawah, like a wheel, tu lah, org kata hidup ni memang ada naek turunnya.. kalau selalu duduk atas, mungkin satu hari jatuh menjunam.. tpi, hari tu x kan ada siapa tahu..
stakat ni, thn ni byk mengajar sy tntng acceptance
penerimaan kita bila ditipu
bila kene curang
bila di beri harapan palsu
bila kebenaran dibongkar bila kita dah sikit lagi nak terjebak dengan kebohongan
hati ni, tahun ni dah corak camping habis
mata pon dah kering
rasa mcm bertimpa2 kene
tapi sekarang, bila tgok balik, rasa nak gelak pon ada
pahit tu lah yang lama kelamaan akan jadikan hidup ni ada rasa
x de la plain sangat
klu tgok movie or drama memang da boleh relate bila ada watak yg nangis separuh gila sbb kene cheat, seronok jugak sbb paham apa yg dirasa
move on dah, cuma kadang2 teringat tu je,
no string attached
phone mati pon wa x kesah, hidup dah beza nk compare ngan last year
kadang2 x tau pun bila org akan cari diri ni
cam x diperlukan pon ada
loser sikittt disitu
saja je nak maen tulis2 kat sini, ye lah, mana x rasa nk cmpak brg
baru lepas kene tipu, tiba2 org laen bagi hope palsu pulak
susah nk pecaya betol
hahahaa, apa la nak jadi dalam remaining of 2014 ni..
Saturday, September 13, 2014
kadang2 aku terlalu leka dengan masa sekarang, hingga aku lupa bahawa setiap tindakan kini tiada peluang kedua.. susah untuk aku baiki apa yang aku telah lakukan,, masa lepas x akan kembali, walau sesukar mana aku mengejar.. masa tetap bergerak meninggalkan aku, terukir sejarah.. akan ku telan,walau pahitnya x akan hilang.. aku hnya mmpu merenung kepingan kaca yang berderai.. x terusik.. sukar utk dicantum kembali.. puas aku merintih, menagih masa silam, menagih peluang yang x akan kembali.. sesal, ya aku sesal.. Tuhan, engkau ringankan bebanan emosi aku, stabilkan kembali rohani aku, sungguh, pahitnya kian terasa.. mampukah aku?
Saturday, July 12, 2014
homies skincare
salam semua!!
di bulan ramadhan yg mulia ni, terbaring2 di rumah, sbb cuti kan,. seronok! rasa nak freeze kan je masa kat sini n be here forever with umi n abah..
tapi masa tetap akan berlalu, depa x mo tggu kita kan, kita yg kene kejar masa.. raya pon dah hampir tiba,, tapi muka gue penuh dengan mende2 yg x sepatutnya..
time exam aritu, memang ada exacerbation of acne kat muka ni.. rasa cam naek campak pon ade.. but it is acne.. red faces, abis setiap kali exam, examiner tego muka merah, aiya, malu maaa.. dah la konon nk try jaga muka sblom tu sblom balek, konon nk ada best face lah time jumpa parents, tapi hurm... x kesampaian.. sgala homeopahty treatment try masa kat volgo ritu.. madu, lemon, soda, avocado oil, olive oil,serum.. semua lah, tapi alhamdulillah jugak, at least terkawal sikit..
risau jugak kot2 ada baru plak.. and to make it worst, memang lam flight ada muncul acne baru.. n the past acne scars darken.. total nightmare!!!!
umi n abah memang terkejut lah tgok muka kan kat airport.. tpi slowly face need to recover.. stress exam or excited nak balek x tau lah yg mana yg trigger hormonal imbalance ni.. i dunno,. anxiety ritu kot? haahaa..
balek rumah, ada bedak tanaka, best jugak bedak ni, dia ada pati limau nipis skali.. as bedak sejuk dia best, coz dia x tertanggal2 cam bedak sejuk putih tu,. dia memang smooth je n ketatkan kulit muka.. after wash em, memang kulit rasa lembut sikit, sikit la... hehe, everyday pakai setengah jam.. hopefully ada lah perubahan, da seminggu balek rumah, ada lah nampak sket muka dah kembali ke arah normal..
pastu ada peel off mask egg white! ha, yg ni memang best!!!!!! craeamy whitish pearly mask ni memang best abes!! skali peel dia x de la terbuang semua terus kotoran, kene repeated use, tapi terbaek! x saket masa peel.. n senang nak apply.. bersih!
pastu ada beli gel pengelupasan safi, yg ni pon the best! u can see the daki-ness on ur skin, bila rub2 gel ni kat muka.. phew!! best2!! lepas tu bilas ngan air or scrub st ives, memang rasa waaaaa sgt.. hehe..
skang kat muka ada parut2 hyperpigmentation.. kalu pegang x rasa bumpy dah,. macula je lah.. so, kene bersabar, klu x buat pape 3 months baru nak fade parut nih.. erm, sedey, tapi kan ade foundation!! terselamat lah raya nnti.. insyallah.. ;)
di bulan ramadhan yg mulia ni, terbaring2 di rumah, sbb cuti kan,. seronok! rasa nak freeze kan je masa kat sini n be here forever with umi n abah..
tapi masa tetap akan berlalu, depa x mo tggu kita kan, kita yg kene kejar masa.. raya pon dah hampir tiba,, tapi muka gue penuh dengan mende2 yg x sepatutnya..
time exam aritu, memang ada exacerbation of acne kat muka ni.. rasa cam naek campak pon ade.. but it is acne.. red faces, abis setiap kali exam, examiner tego muka merah, aiya, malu maaa.. dah la konon nk try jaga muka sblom tu sblom balek, konon nk ada best face lah time jumpa parents, tapi hurm... x kesampaian.. sgala homeopahty treatment try masa kat volgo ritu.. madu, lemon, soda, avocado oil, olive oil,serum.. semua lah, tapi alhamdulillah jugak, at least terkawal sikit..
risau jugak kot2 ada baru plak.. and to make it worst, memang lam flight ada muncul acne baru.. n the past acne scars darken.. total nightmare!!!!
umi n abah memang terkejut lah tgok muka kan kat airport.. tpi slowly face need to recover.. stress exam or excited nak balek x tau lah yg mana yg trigger hormonal imbalance ni.. i dunno,. anxiety ritu kot? haahaa..
balek rumah, ada bedak tanaka, best jugak bedak ni, dia ada pati limau nipis skali.. as bedak sejuk dia best, coz dia x tertanggal2 cam bedak sejuk putih tu,. dia memang smooth je n ketatkan kulit muka.. after wash em, memang kulit rasa lembut sikit, sikit la... hehe, everyday pakai setengah jam.. hopefully ada lah perubahan, da seminggu balek rumah, ada lah nampak sket muka dah kembali ke arah normal..
pastu ada peel off mask egg white! ha, yg ni memang best!!!!!! craeamy whitish pearly mask ni memang best abes!! skali peel dia x de la terbuang semua terus kotoran, kene repeated use, tapi terbaek! x saket masa peel.. n senang nak apply.. bersih!
pastu ada beli gel pengelupasan safi, yg ni pon the best! u can see the daki-ness on ur skin, bila rub2 gel ni kat muka.. phew!! best2!! lepas tu bilas ngan air or scrub st ives, memang rasa waaaaa sgt.. hehe..
skang kat muka ada parut2 hyperpigmentation.. kalu pegang x rasa bumpy dah,. macula je lah.. so, kene bersabar, klu x buat pape 3 months baru nak fade parut nih.. erm, sedey, tapi kan ade foundation!! terselamat lah raya nnti.. insyallah.. ;)
Thursday, July 10, 2014
driving n driver
driving a car is an absolute satisfaction for a person like me.. i can control everything and i am in control of everything.. only u can decide which step to take.. these made us the driver the most crucial part on the road..
some reckless driver may cause a serious accident on road.. here we are talking about lil mistake, like x kasi signal time nk melintas, nak belok kanam kiri, lampu break x menyala, maen tekan je minyak tu.. haish.. after about 4 years pengalaman drive kete pegi balek kota bharu, memang byk reckless driver on road.. driving and a driver is a different thing, ur attitude as a driver will affect ur driving skill.. x semestinya dia tau drive dia a good driver ok!
paling pantang bila kita kat lane laju, kete nk bawak 40km/h. panas hati ni, n bila plak kita nak lintas dia, boley plak dia tekan minyak.. tapi tu lah, nak drive ni memang kene manyak bersabar.. :) yg jnis tiba2 belok without signal plak, memang geram, sbb kita tends tok drive laju imut kete dia, if dia tiba2 belok, mesti la nak terlanggar kan.. hurm, attitude drivers!!
and masa kita drive tu, kita kene selalu igt, bkan nyawa kita seorg je dalam tgn kita, nyawa of org kereta sekeliling kita pon dalam tangan kita sekali,, that is why, kene byk bertoleransi n bersabar.. tapi memang best pon tekan minyak till 100km/h.. memang best bawak laju, tapi bila jadi pape, kita memang x dpt nk kwl kete tu.. bahaya!!!
btw, pengalaman pling perit is time bawak kete n saket perut.. ya Allah, rasa cam nak campak kete pastu nak goleng2 tengah jalan ok.. lebey2 kalau senggugut.. peluh2 lam kete, otak x function, tpi kene fokus.. phew, so time x sehat, marah, emosi x stabil, jangan bawak kereta... selesakan fizikal n emosi anda dulu before bawak kete.. :)
some reckless driver may cause a serious accident on road.. here we are talking about lil mistake, like x kasi signal time nk melintas, nak belok kanam kiri, lampu break x menyala, maen tekan je minyak tu.. haish.. after about 4 years pengalaman drive kete pegi balek kota bharu, memang byk reckless driver on road.. driving and a driver is a different thing, ur attitude as a driver will affect ur driving skill.. x semestinya dia tau drive dia a good driver ok!
paling pantang bila kita kat lane laju, kete nk bawak 40km/h. panas hati ni, n bila plak kita nak lintas dia, boley plak dia tekan minyak.. tapi tu lah, nak drive ni memang kene manyak bersabar.. :) yg jnis tiba2 belok without signal plak, memang geram, sbb kita tends tok drive laju imut kete dia, if dia tiba2 belok, mesti la nak terlanggar kan.. hurm, attitude drivers!!
and masa kita drive tu, kita kene selalu igt, bkan nyawa kita seorg je dalam tgn kita, nyawa of org kereta sekeliling kita pon dalam tangan kita sekali,, that is why, kene byk bertoleransi n bersabar.. tapi memang best pon tekan minyak till 100km/h.. memang best bawak laju, tapi bila jadi pape, kita memang x dpt nk kwl kete tu.. bahaya!!!
btw, pengalaman pling perit is time bawak kete n saket perut.. ya Allah, rasa cam nak campak kete pastu nak goleng2 tengah jalan ok.. lebey2 kalau senggugut.. peluh2 lam kete, otak x function, tpi kene fokus.. phew, so time x sehat, marah, emosi x stabil, jangan bawak kereta... selesakan fizikal n emosi anda dulu before bawak kete.. :)
Sunday, July 6, 2014
of eisenmenger and transposition of great vessels
today, i started my summer practical at peads wards.. sebenarnye kene buat a and e, tapi x pe lah.. kebetulan tadi nak jadikan suprise, time dok masuk nak ikut ho n mo punya round, skali nmpak kak mas!! ya Allah, memang melompat2 lam ward tuu.. hehe, naseb baek kak mas cam lagi, walaupun muka ni dah x cantek cam dulu2.. T_T.. x pe.. yg penting kak mas cakap, buat praktikal biasa2 je, enjoy cuti tuu.. hehe, lap u kak mas!!
sebenarnya agak sedih bila tgok small kids sakit n they r really afraids of the doctors.. datang dekat nk pegang, dah nanges.. susah nk ases breathing rate, nk auscultate lung and heart.. nak tgok if ada splenomegaly or hepatomegaly pon susah.. tapi budak2 sgt comey.. hehe.. n specialist peads pon dah jadi cam budak2, semua kartun dia tahu.. :D
tadi ada dua patient yg menarik minat saya.. dua patient, yang even teringat kat diorg pon, dah boley senyum.. ada satu patient with down syndrome, about 11 years old, sagt funny n chubby... :D mula2 dia pakai high flow oxygen mask, which wayar mask tu dah pegi atas kepala dia cam belalai gajah dah.. hahaa, memang everybody gelak time tu.. comeyl, bila doc pgg katil dia, dia maen2 tgn doc tu.. alahaiii.. pastu tuka naso tube, skali dia maen2, letak kt dahi bagai.. haha, lupa letih jap.. and ayah dia sgt supportive. sgt playful dengan dia.. :) memang senyum manjang je tgok adik tu tadi.. and dia dah develop eisenmenger syndrome.. which dah ada clubbing hand, pulmonary edema, and right to left shunt.. so sad... cyanosis badly,,
then, ada one baby, dia ada transposition of great vessel, which right ventricle connect to aorta n left ventricle connect to pulm artery.. baby tu sgt2 cyanosis.. so small to endure the pain.. his mom memang nmpak riak wajah penat.. 24/7 .. force breathing which thorax dia memang dah deform.. sedey sgt., time blaja, igt x jumpa case ni, skali tgok depan mata n kat kelate plak tu., sedey sgt2222.. baby tu kelip2 je tgok kitorg..
overall, memang kesian kat baby n kids ni., tapi, they have to undergo several procedures like set iv line yang memang saket tu, makan ubat semua, so that they will get better and soon will be able to entertain themselves at the playground.. and this will eventually, ease their parents.. :)
cant wait to see those kids get their discharge form! lets pray for fhem..
hari ni pakai mask peel off dengan umi.. heheee
sebenarnya agak sedih bila tgok small kids sakit n they r really afraids of the doctors.. datang dekat nk pegang, dah nanges.. susah nk ases breathing rate, nk auscultate lung and heart.. nak tgok if ada splenomegaly or hepatomegaly pon susah.. tapi budak2 sgt comey.. hehe.. n specialist peads pon dah jadi cam budak2, semua kartun dia tahu.. :D
tadi ada dua patient yg menarik minat saya.. dua patient, yang even teringat kat diorg pon, dah boley senyum.. ada satu patient with down syndrome, about 11 years old, sagt funny n chubby... :D mula2 dia pakai high flow oxygen mask, which wayar mask tu dah pegi atas kepala dia cam belalai gajah dah.. hahaa, memang everybody gelak time tu.. comeyl, bila doc pgg katil dia, dia maen2 tgn doc tu.. alahaiii.. pastu tuka naso tube, skali dia maen2, letak kt dahi bagai.. haha, lupa letih jap.. and ayah dia sgt supportive. sgt playful dengan dia.. :) memang senyum manjang je tgok adik tu tadi.. and dia dah develop eisenmenger syndrome.. which dah ada clubbing hand, pulmonary edema, and right to left shunt.. so sad... cyanosis badly,,
then, ada one baby, dia ada transposition of great vessel, which right ventricle connect to aorta n left ventricle connect to pulm artery.. baby tu sgt2 cyanosis.. so small to endure the pain.. his mom memang nmpak riak wajah penat.. 24/7 .. force breathing which thorax dia memang dah deform.. sedey sgt., time blaja, igt x jumpa case ni, skali tgok depan mata n kat kelate plak tu., sedey sgt2222.. baby tu kelip2 je tgok kitorg..
overall, memang kesian kat baby n kids ni., tapi, they have to undergo several procedures like set iv line yang memang saket tu, makan ubat semua, so that they will get better and soon will be able to entertain themselves at the playground.. and this will eventually, ease their parents.. :)
cant wait to see those kids get their discharge form! lets pray for fhem..
hari ni pakai mask peel off dengan umi.. heheee
Thursday, July 3, 2014
al kisahnya, baru tahu diri. ni ada anxiety disorder..
masa flight lay over kat turkey, kitorg ada 40 minutes je untuk turun flight, cari gate dan naek shuttle dan naek flight balek.. ya allah, masa tu heart rate rasanya ada lam 90bpm.. =_=.. muka memang tense sgt, tpi naseb baek ada abg turkish airline yg escort kitorg pegi keja nex flight. tpi, masa tu memang tuhan je tau, camna rasa nak tertinggal flight n terfikir plak flight mas kat bangkok nanti burn, nak spend masa kat airport bagai.. memang anxiety!!!! pastu dah smpai bangkok, 2.15 turun flight, nex flight ke kl 5.05.. memang dari sblom exam lagi dah cuak pasal gap masa ni..
hari hari cek flight status tgok on time ke tak flight, delay ke x, any short delay akan kacau schedule,.. cuak sgt, smpai rasa nk tuka tiket,, tpi naseb baek x tuka.. hehe.. btw, dok search kat tenet, semua org ckp airport bkk suvarnabhumi punya imigration ketat la, lama la, makan masa at least sejam la, turns out smalam from turun flight. to immigration, to amek cargo, it takes only 20 minutes max.. pastu drop bag kat counter.. memang sempat mandi kat bangkok, sblom flight kul 5.15 tu..
i dunno where did i inherited this anxiety disorder but i must control them starting from now! serius setiap sejam tgok flight stats pasal flight tu.. regime flight semua.. oh god!
masa flight lay over kat turkey, kitorg ada 40 minutes je untuk turun flight, cari gate dan naek shuttle dan naek flight balek.. ya allah, masa tu heart rate rasanya ada lam 90bpm.. =_=.. muka memang tense sgt, tpi naseb baek ada abg turkish airline yg escort kitorg pegi keja nex flight. tpi, masa tu memang tuhan je tau, camna rasa nak tertinggal flight n terfikir plak flight mas kat bangkok nanti burn, nak spend masa kat airport bagai.. memang anxiety!!!! pastu dah smpai bangkok, 2.15 turun flight, nex flight ke kl 5.05.. memang dari sblom exam lagi dah cuak pasal gap masa ni..
hari hari cek flight status tgok on time ke tak flight, delay ke x, any short delay akan kacau schedule,.. cuak sgt, smpai rasa nk tuka tiket,, tpi naseb baek x tuka.. hehe.. btw, dok search kat tenet, semua org ckp airport bkk suvarnabhumi punya imigration ketat la, lama la, makan masa at least sejam la, turns out smalam from turun flight. to immigration, to amek cargo, it takes only 20 minutes max.. pastu drop bag kat counter.. memang sempat mandi kat bangkok, sblom flight kul 5.15 tu..
i dunno where did i inherited this anxiety disorder but i must control them starting from now! serius setiap sejam tgok flight stats pasal flight tu.. regime flight semua.. oh god!
Friday, May 23, 2014
seriusly x tau pon selama ni sebenarnya pakai skirt tu best, oh god why???
kalau la tahu, memang belambak skirt akan dibawa from malaysia.. i had a lot of skirts back in my closet in malaysia, but i just buy them because they r cheap, and if i dont buy them, i might get an epileptic seizure.. haha, joking.. tpi beli just sbb dia murah, n nampak cantek n x pernah pakai.. apa lah
then tahun ni, time summer i just trying mix and match thingy with my skirt that i brought here.. and just rock em to class, turns out best! oi, best ok, sila paham.. summer so hot, skirt so flowy, best!! and baju kurung too.. they absorb sweats really well. i can say, like they had build in aircond in it or anything closed to that.. haha..
huih, skirt and me never gonna be good.. i tripped, stepped on, senget benget, but practices make perfect right? hehee
ok, nak jadi lebih perempuan lagi..
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
summer here
so, apa yang beza sgt summer in volgo and cuaca kat malaysia?
banyak bezanya.. ramai yg bila kita cakap, aih panas sgt lah kat sini, x tahan, adalah yg berpendapat bhw kami ni semua bagaikan kacang lupakan kulit,, noooo, kami ckp camtu, sbb tersangat kontra summer in volgo n cuaca di malaysia
so, here we go!
-u might be sweating- :p
1) sini cuaca panas dan kering
-which ur skin will dry up and flake
-scale, kene pakai lotion, if not, keringgggg cam psoriasis ok
-haba badan terkumpul, rasa panas smpai kepala
-kipas kadang2 bawak angin panas, so, panas sgttttttt
-pasang kipas pon panas lagi
2) tiada awan
-yes, no cloud, only blue sky
-no shades
-direct uv!!!
-direct sunburn and skin will get red n itches right away
-appreciate awan in malaysia!
3) cahaya sangat terik
-sbb x de awan, so the sun ray directly fries us
-pkai baju, rasa cam lepas baju tu kene iron
-duduk under sun ray, even lam bus, even less than 5 minutes dah mandi peluh
-panas!!!!! oh GOD!
4) kelas x de kipas
-kat malaysia kelas ada aircond,besttttt
-sini, kelas ada tingkap sahaja,
-imagine, sitting in a small room, with 35degree outside and no kipas, urgh
-literally a sauna
5) transport x de aircond
-so, people tend to smell
-smell plus kedap udara = rasa nak pengsan
-profuse sweating u ge itt??
6) kering
-dahaga forever
-ice cream forever
-crack lips
-crack skins
7) byk jalan
-so mmg burn right away
-like walk for 30 minutes dah burn okkkkkkk
-kat mesia, naek keta, aircond, bestttt, shopping mall aircond, jam tengah jalan pon at least ada aircond kan hee
8) insects!
-kat sini ada serangga kecik yg akan follow u all pegi mana2
-kadang2 rasa ada yg tertelan kot
9) kat rumah x de build in kipas
-beli kipas pun x cukup
-kene mandi lima kali sehari dengan air sejok
10) sgt222222 panas
-baju basuh tangan boley kering under 2 hours no kidding
11) waktu siang panjang
-mencabar, sbb subuh terlalu awal, like 2.40 am and isa' terlalu lambat like 11 pm
-sgt mencabar nak jaga waktu solat
-kene tebalkan iman juga
12) berhabuk, dusty
-buka tingkap, meja akan berhabuk in one day
-once a day, kene clean meja, or else, u will end up in a mess, ur notes covered with dust
-provoke acne, huish
so, ni yg boley list stakat ni..
SUNBLOCK is a must.. i even bawak payung.,. hahaha, i dun care what people say, but sun ray here is unacceptable. and i am 3 shades darker now due to dry skin n itches.. burn + red skin.. T_T
well, stay hydrated! need to drink a lot of water and kene tuka lotion on aqua base plak.. no oil for summer k, it will block the pores.. embraces summer hijabis!!
banyak bezanya.. ramai yg bila kita cakap, aih panas sgt lah kat sini, x tahan, adalah yg berpendapat bhw kami ni semua bagaikan kacang lupakan kulit,, noooo, kami ckp camtu, sbb tersangat kontra summer in volgo n cuaca di malaysia
so, here we go!
-u might be sweating- :p
1) sini cuaca panas dan kering
-which ur skin will dry up and flake
-scale, kene pakai lotion, if not, keringgggg cam psoriasis ok
-haba badan terkumpul, rasa panas smpai kepala
-kipas kadang2 bawak angin panas, so, panas sgttttttt
-pasang kipas pon panas lagi
2) tiada awan
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exactly like this, no kidding.. |
-yes, no cloud, only blue sky
-no shades
-direct uv!!!
-direct sunburn and skin will get red n itches right away
-appreciate awan in malaysia!
3) cahaya sangat terik
-sbb x de awan, so the sun ray directly fries us
-pkai baju, rasa cam lepas baju tu kene iron
-duduk under sun ray, even lam bus, even less than 5 minutes dah mandi peluh
-panas!!!!! oh GOD!
4) kelas x de kipas
-kat malaysia kelas ada aircond,besttttt
-sini, kelas ada tingkap sahaja,
-imagine, sitting in a small room, with 35degree outside and no kipas, urgh
-literally a sauna
5) transport x de aircond
-so, people tend to smell
-smell plus kedap udara = rasa nak pengsan
-profuse sweating u ge itt??
6) kering
-dahaga forever
-ice cream forever
-crack lips
-crack skins
7) byk jalan
-so mmg burn right away
-like walk for 30 minutes dah burn okkkkkkk
-kat mesia, naek keta, aircond, bestttt, shopping mall aircond, jam tengah jalan pon at least ada aircond kan hee
8) insects!
-kat sini ada serangga kecik yg akan follow u all pegi mana2
-kadang2 rasa ada yg tertelan kot
9) kat rumah x de build in kipas
-beli kipas pun x cukup
-kene mandi lima kali sehari dengan air sejok
10) sgt222222 panas
-baju basuh tangan boley kering under 2 hours no kidding
11) waktu siang panjang
-mencabar, sbb subuh terlalu awal, like 2.40 am and isa' terlalu lambat like 11 pm
-sgt mencabar nak jaga waktu solat
-kene tebalkan iman juga
12) berhabuk, dusty
-buka tingkap, meja akan berhabuk in one day
-once a day, kene clean meja, or else, u will end up in a mess, ur notes covered with dust
-provoke acne, huish
so, ni yg boley list stakat ni..
SUNBLOCK is a must.. i even bawak payung.,. hahaha, i dun care what people say, but sun ray here is unacceptable. and i am 3 shades darker now due to dry skin n itches.. burn + red skin.. T_T
well, stay hydrated! need to drink a lot of water and kene tuka lotion on aqua base plak.. no oil for summer k, it will block the pores.. embraces summer hijabis!!
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Sunday, May 18, 2014
move on
well, actually i move on pretty fast, *is it?* well, on average i think people need some time, min would be 6 months.. but 3 months will do..
so, here are the steps.. WARNING! you might feel a lil nauseous and feel like u gonna loose your life.. i really mean it..
-tears are strength!
-cry, cry, cry, and let it all out
-a day would be enough
2) remove them from ur sight
-erase their number
-unfriend on fb, twitter, insta, tumblr or what u can think of
-block their number
-avoid meeting them
*this step is very crucial, as u try to move forward, their sight will loosen ur faith
3)dont try to contact them, even u miss them like crazy or u might get v-fib if u dont, just DON'T
-dont reply any of their messages
-dont answer their call
-dont ever stalk them!!!! DONT STALK!
4)keep in mind what they had done to u
-this is very important, u must keep it in mind, u are not worth trying for something stupid!!!!!
-if they cheated, what are u insane?? remember
-dont be fooled by their lies
5) find a distraction
-kdrama would help a lot i think
-catch up you movies
-find your fav series
-hang out more
-anything would do.. try something new
6) spend more time with your family and friends
-share everything with your family, trust me, they always help you
-listen to your friends more
-go crazy with em!
7)dont listen to break up song
-well u can listen to them for like 2 days. haha
-then, just go on with other songs
-happy and crazy songs will do
8) give more time to urself
-shopping online
-go for spa
-facial time
9) trust in God..
-the most crucial part in moving on is ur prayer.. :)
10)forgive and forget
-forgive all their mistake, this will put your heart at ease.. and forget it.. if u can.. :)
well, this is what i had been doing.. and it works well for me.. so yeah, dont ever turn back, just move along and put your aim high.. single life is the best gift i get so far.. never thought that it would be this expectation free..
btw, enjoy your life, dont let anybody tripped you on your way.. only you can change your life!
move on and start a new chapter.. dont waste ur time to look back and regret, move on with hope.. something happened for a reason..
p/s: hope this will help someone, someday..
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something you can ponder.. |
Monday, May 12, 2014
so, i love gardening.. who else have the same interest with me hands up!!!
actually, every year balek, i will tanam something.. semai something.. and for two months i nutured them with all my love and left home.. so balek2 after 10 months, i only see empty pots at the exact place with the exact rotted plant, just like how i left it.. haha, well my parents had been busy, and they had to take care of many things, rather than my plants..
there had been cactus, aloe vera, keladi, every sort of keladi that i had known.. u know once i was very obsessed with this keladi thingy.. macam2 keladi i plant and they grew up so well.. even breed em.. pheww.. they still are there, at the pavement.. hehe, oh oh, lpe plak, tomato, watermelon, mangga, cili, lada besaq, erm, klu nak listkan rasanya satu entry mungkin.. haha.. tpi cactus tu memang antara yang main..
tpiiii, this time, abah did took care of my cili!! omg!! i semai them in 3 polybag.. ada dua bag cili kampung and one is red small cili which i dunno what do we call it.. haha, x pe, tanam je dulu.. seeds of the cili kampung, i got em from one of my sis's friend.. he planted that cili in cameron highland, and they grew up excellently, well u cant really see where is the leaves cause the plant is full with cili! red, orange and white.. nice on eyes and good in budu.. yaw.. sedap nyaaaaa..
so, out of 3 polybag, abah took one polybag and plant em in a vase.. which yg kelaka, in one polybag tu ada la lam 17-25pokok.. haha, abah ckp, dia amek je tanam terus.. sbb x nak tgok pokok tu rotted.. haha.. lawak je, bygkan, pokok kecik2, lil space, berebut nk tumbuh sesama dalam vase? how funny is that! and the other 2 bags, abah gave to my grandma.. yeay!! anddddd, skang ni, in that vase that ada dua pokok yg berbuah., yeayyy!!! my cili had breeddddddd, they give childrens! oh god, x saba nk balek nak tgokkkkk..
umi did took care of my cactus this time.. yay!!! balek kali ni, i must pamper em all with baja organic, with good soil, argh, x saba nak plant more pokok lah gini! but sadly my tomato trees died.. once i used to grow em, musuh ketat pokok tomato is snail.. serius, they can eat up ur whole tree in one night.. but tomato manja, u kene support pokok tu with braces and they did need a lot of water... manja punya pokok.. cili senang je, cuma kene constantly jaga with air yg cukup, and letak tmpt yg ada shade.. :)
x saba nk tgok my pokoks! love umi n abah for taking care of my other half.. my trees..hehe
actually, every year balek, i will tanam something.. semai something.. and for two months i nutured them with all my love and left home.. so balek2 after 10 months, i only see empty pots at the exact place with the exact rotted plant, just like how i left it.. haha, well my parents had been busy, and they had to take care of many things, rather than my plants..
there had been cactus, aloe vera, keladi, every sort of keladi that i had known.. u know once i was very obsessed with this keladi thingy.. macam2 keladi i plant and they grew up so well.. even breed em.. pheww.. they still are there, at the pavement.. hehe, oh oh, lpe plak, tomato, watermelon, mangga, cili, lada besaq, erm, klu nak listkan rasanya satu entry mungkin.. haha.. tpi cactus tu memang antara yang main..
tpiiii, this time, abah did took care of my cili!! omg!! i semai them in 3 polybag.. ada dua bag cili kampung and one is red small cili which i dunno what do we call it.. haha, x pe, tanam je dulu.. seeds of the cili kampung, i got em from one of my sis's friend.. he planted that cili in cameron highland, and they grew up excellently, well u cant really see where is the leaves cause the plant is full with cili! red, orange and white.. nice on eyes and good in budu.. yaw.. sedap nyaaaaa..
so, out of 3 polybag, abah took one polybag and plant em in a vase.. which yg kelaka, in one polybag tu ada la lam 17-25pokok.. haha, abah ckp, dia amek je tanam terus.. sbb x nak tgok pokok tu rotted.. haha.. lawak je, bygkan, pokok kecik2, lil space, berebut nk tumbuh sesama dalam vase? how funny is that! and the other 2 bags, abah gave to my grandma.. yeay!! anddddd, skang ni, in that vase that ada dua pokok yg berbuah., yeayyy!!! my cili had breeddddddd, they give childrens! oh god, x saba nk balek nak tgokkkkk..
umi did took care of my cactus this time.. yay!!! balek kali ni, i must pamper em all with baja organic, with good soil, argh, x saba nak plant more pokok lah gini! but sadly my tomato trees died.. once i used to grow em, musuh ketat pokok tomato is snail.. serius, they can eat up ur whole tree in one night.. but tomato manja, u kene support pokok tu with braces and they did need a lot of water... manja punya pokok.. cili senang je, cuma kene constantly jaga with air yg cukup, and letak tmpt yg ada shade.. :)
x saba nk tgok my pokoks! love umi n abah for taking care of my other half.. my trees..hehe
Sunday, May 11, 2014
some words
sometimes, there are words that are not worth saying.. these words that slit down through your precious tongue cant be taken back.. they will always dancing in other's mind.. they will always be imprisoned in your own mind.. counter react with other problems that had already tangled up ur brain.. like sulcus like gyrus they are.. alike, but not imposter.. i must said.. word does hurt.. like ego, they hurt your pride..
sometimes, they say, people who are known as kind, will stay the same as they are.. i would say, people changed.. they way they think, they way they see things will not forever stay stagnant as they are now.. they will evolve, with experiences with bitterness and sweetness of life's journey..just like what wanderlust thought us how to prepare for another unforgetful adventure..
oneday, you will realize that things around you wont stick around forever as what u had imagined.. someday you will understand why people must changed, why unspoken words must be utter, just so u can move forward.. imagine our life as a ladder.. and imagine our goal is on the other side of the wall.. for us to climb up, we need to forseen what is ahead waiting for us as a motivation, and to do that, we must move on, move forward, leave the flaw that we had made.. changed.. be someone who is strong enough to face the awaiting journey that no one on earth know what it would look like.. forgive..
mature, is just a word.. not a parameter that u must achieve.. you defined yourself, not others.. chin up, buckle up! no one else should know your flaw except the one who you trust the most-yourself.. so that no one will question your decisions.. because you colour your own destiny..
sometimes, they say, people who are known as kind, will stay the same as they are.. i would say, people changed.. they way they think, they way they see things will not forever stay stagnant as they are now.. they will evolve, with experiences with bitterness and sweetness of life's journey..just like what wanderlust thought us how to prepare for another unforgetful adventure..
oneday, you will realize that things around you wont stick around forever as what u had imagined.. someday you will understand why people must changed, why unspoken words must be utter, just so u can move forward.. imagine our life as a ladder.. and imagine our goal is on the other side of the wall.. for us to climb up, we need to forseen what is ahead waiting for us as a motivation, and to do that, we must move on, move forward, leave the flaw that we had made.. changed.. be someone who is strong enough to face the awaiting journey that no one on earth know what it would look like.. forgive..
mature, is just a word.. not a parameter that u must achieve.. you defined yourself, not others.. chin up, buckle up! no one else should know your flaw except the one who you trust the most-yourself.. so that no one will question your decisions.. because you colour your own destiny..
Monday, April 21, 2014
inside out
kalau tgok luaran, bley tak nak judge orang?
apa kata amek mp3 dia and denga lagu yang dia denga, deep..
dah ramai org x caya and terbeliak mata masa denga lagu2 lam my mp3. ohoo..
hahaa, tu la, outside laen, inside laen.. jangan judge people if btol2 x kenal dia..
apa kata amek mp3 dia and denga lagu yang dia denga, deep..
dah ramai org x caya and terbeliak mata masa denga lagu2 lam my mp3. ohoo..
hahaa, tu la, outside laen, inside laen.. jangan judge people if btol2 x kenal dia..
Monday, March 17, 2014
the opposite
kalau nak describe diri sendiri dalam satu word, word mana yg best nak describe diri ni?
erm, maybe susah nk cari satu word tu..
btw, i'm lacking of many good quality which a women should have.. but naah, i dun care.. people must learn to accept my flaws as i accept their's.. n_n
saja je nak tulis entry ni, coz, hari tu time jalan2 atas bridge balek from volley, tetibe kuar topic, what if our spouse adalah terbalek dengan perangai kita.. habislah! haha, well thi la cakap macam2..
e: t, org kata kita dpt org yg lawan perangai ngan kita, btol ke ah?
t: ye la kot.. haha, aku bley bayang, ko dah la independent, nnti ur husband asyik nk kene consult ko je, nak buat pape refer ko, nak tu nak ni, semua nk ko approve.. (gelak evil smbil tu)
e: ergh, memang x la!
haha, adoi lawak plak..
paling scary, camne klu nnti dpt yg x adventure langsung.. arghh, habeslah nnti, ape naseb bohey dulang??? tu lah, kene pi travel kaw kaw dulu, then baru fikir isu ni..
btw,i'm not that young anymore to not to think bout this,, maen tiap tiap mnggu dpt satu jemputan kawen, sape x rasa pressure tu..
tapiii, pape pon, nak travel puas2 duluuu.. nk pegi island hopping kat sabah, langkawi semua dulu.. i'm looking forward for bohey dulang in sabah.. so cantek, macam maldives sebijik! confirm burn lah nnti, memang akan jadi org laen lepas pegi situ.. plan nk pegi time abes blaja nnti, time tggu induction ho.. so time tu, klu ade yg nak suruh jadi bridesmaid ke ape ke, tolong gtau awal2, supaya boley cari jalan nk hilangkan burn cepat2! hehe..
then, nak dedicate life kat ho lah dulu, habis ho, pikir lah pasal future plak.. kalau ada jodoh adalah, kalau awal smpai, awal lah, kalau lambat, redha.. :) x kesah.. ni semua kan rahsia Tuhan.. x gitu?
the opposite, hopefully dpt baiki diri supaya seimbang baek buruk, kalau boley biar lebey baek tu.. byk sgt sifat negatif ni.. kene kuih kuih tohok dale loke dulu, baru buleh cari hok molek.. keno bekki diri duluh!! sapa maso kito jupo, kena lah kito.. loni sapo awok, dok wak gapo, dok mano semo sayo x tahu.. lantak, nanti lu klu bkan ore kelate, kno kecek kelate sapa bau budu!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Friday, January 3, 2014
remaja? apakah definisi remaja
Perkataan 'remaja' berasal daripada perkataan Latin bermakna menuju ke arah kematangan. golongan ini sentiasa mempunyai perasaan ingin mencuba dan sedang menuju ke tahap untuk menjadi dewasa.
tu definisi from Wikipedia..
tapi kalau kita renungkan balek, adakah wujud istilah remaja di dalam Islam?
ding dong denggggg
kalau kita lihat balek zaman2 dahulu, ketika era kegemilangan Islam, dan era perkembangan Islam, tiada istilah remaja.. ada dua golongan sahaja, kanak-kanak dan dewasa..
tiada remaja.. kanak-kanak adalah mereka yang belum akil baligh, manakala dewasa adalah mereka yg dah akil baligh, tiada transisi antara mereka
bahkan, setelah akil baligh, segala dosa, pahala telah jatuh ke atas bahu mereka sendiri, maksudnya, mereka perlu bersikap matang, bertanggungjawab, dan bukannya mengalami proses transisi "remaja"
tapi kenapa skang wujud remaja??
ini disebabkan oleh cara didikan, pendedahan, persekitaran yang mengajar manusia sekarang untuk percaya tentang kewujudan transisi remaja..
ibu bapa x percaya anak2 mereka dah besar, pastu kbykn dari mereka halang anak2 mereka untuk sertai pelbagai aktiviti even kadang2 nk drive pon x kasi waima anak mereka dah besar panjang..
inilah yg mewujudkan golongan remaja.. iaitu golongan yg mempunyai perasaan ingin tahu yg tinggi dan ingin mencari identiti diri, sbb waktu mereka kecik2, ibu bapa x memberikan mereka pendedahan secukupnya untuk mereka kenal dunia ni..
memetik contoh dari buku "cinta di rumah Hasan al-banna",
Hasan al-banna, mengajak anak perempuanya yg pada ketika itu awal belasan tahun untuk mengikut dia ke meeting2 besar, dan menjadi salah seorg yg terlibat dalam meeting tu.. meaning, bukan dia bawak saja je.. pastu anak dia saiful islam, pada umur kurang 10 tahun, dia dah bukakan mata anak dia tentang dakwah.. kita? anak umur 10 tahun kita beli ps4? ok mahal sgt mungkin psp? =_=.. jauh kan beza? anak2 hasan al-banna ni, umur masih belasan tapi sikap mereka lebih dewasa dari kita sekarang..
btw, buku ni best sgt sgt sgt sgtttt..
tgoklah dulu Aisyah, isteri Rasulullah, masih kecil tapi sudah pndai, malah ramai sahabat2 yg meminta nasehat dari Aisyah! kita?? umur dah nk dekat quarter abad, tapi x memberi apa apa sumbangan, malah rasa diri ni masih x bersedia..
pemuda zaman2 dahulu, seperti Fateh, Ali, Zaid, Hasan al-banna, semuanya hebat2.. pada umur 24 tahun Fateh dah menguasai satu kerajaan besar, pada umur 22 Hasan al-banna dah menubuhkan ikhwanul muslimin.. mantap kan mereka? Ali, pada waktu dia masih kecik, sanggup menggantikan tempat tidur Rasulullah pada peristiwa hijrah..
ini, menunjukkan tiada remaja, hnya ada pemuda yg mempunyai hati dan semangat yg besar, untuk berbakti pada agama.. tiada istilah remaja bagi mereka, tiada kata "Aku belom bersedia".. semangat kental mereka ni, menjadikan mereka sgt berguna kpd agama di saat kudrat dan tenaga berada di tahap yg maksimum..
zaman sekarang, di saat kudrat kita di puncak, kita bazirkan dengan hanya mencari identiti diri, bila dah sedar, kita mula mengeluh, semuanya dah terlambat.. TIDAK.. tiada istilah terlambat..
kejarlah agama, kejarlah Allah, nescaya Allah akan berikan semua yg terbaek buatmu..
p/s: teringat inti usrah haritu.. :) dan isu lekat kepala kat kerusi tu, mungkin kita boleh reflek diri..
now or nevaaa!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
bahaya betol if ada cuti cenggini
or as know as study week.. lama dah x menapak tgok dunia luar, rasa cam org saket prophyria pulok, ala-ala edward cullen x ley kene cahaya nnti bling2.. photosensitive u all
ok, meghepek
klu dah cuti gini, slalu sgt scroll tumblr smpai x ingat dunia dah.. haha so jumpa macam2.. pastu pi tgok utube la, ape la, kesimpulan: LAGHA
dalam melagha tu, jumpa beberapa hewan cute.. aaa, rasa nak kenyek2 smpai pingsan.. cute amatttttt
or as know as study week.. lama dah x menapak tgok dunia luar, rasa cam org saket prophyria pulok, ala-ala edward cullen x ley kene cahaya nnti bling2.. photosensitive u all
ok, meghepek
klu dah cuti gini, slalu sgt scroll tumblr smpai x ingat dunia dah.. haha so jumpa macam2.. pastu pi tgok utube la, ape la, kesimpulan: LAGHA
dalam melagha tu, jumpa beberapa hewan cute.. aaa, rasa nak kenyek2 smpai pingsan.. cute amatttttt
they are:
cute sgtttt, klu rasa nk rasa camne tgok bende cute boley la search kat utube or tumblr gelagat diorg ni, tgok yg gif tu rasa sgt2 nk kenyek diorg sbb gerak2.. :D:D
duri duri durian.. hehe.. oh, lapa durian la pulok =_=''
jangan keja saya jangan jangan, nnti saya lompat kat muka awokk
penatla kite daki bukit ni, sejokkk brrr
nak bende ni!
"it is winter and i'm hungry all the time, problem?" said this alpaca to her mate
"say no to racism! we r all alpaca after all" this baby alpaca can save the world
p/s: ini lah bahaya study week
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
two ow one four
assalamualaikum, it is 1 jan peps!
x sangka, 2014 is here already.. soon to be 23. old ha?
yupp, old, but that doesnt mean it is too late for u to make some changes right? n_n
forget about pass and start living new life..
so here r some of my new year resolution:
twenty fourteen:
a better me
want to love myself more than ever
love my parents even more
cari makanan rohani sbyk boleh
gonna read good reads
goodbye bad habits
eat healthy
be positive
nak improve serve volley
and jadi spiker yg mantop
erase all bad memories
will learn from mistake
not to judge people
be myself
travel and travel and travel
make some frens
a pair of sneakers
gonna finish my lipbalm for real
removed all playlist that remind me of "oldies"
deleting some hard to delete photos
smile a lot
create memories
gonna baring at park for real
bake cookies?
minimize shopping
only good words
only good words
p/s: tired of living for other that doesnt even want to wink back,
be someone new... :)
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