kalau la tahu, memang belambak skirt akan dibawa from malaysia.. i had a lot of skirts back in my closet in malaysia, but i just buy them because they r cheap, and if i dont buy them, i might get an epileptic seizure.. haha, joking.. tpi beli just sbb dia murah, n nampak cantek n x pernah pakai.. apa lah
then tahun ni, time summer i just trying mix and match thingy with my skirt that i brought here.. and just rock em to class, turns out best! oi, best ok, sila paham.. summer so hot, skirt so flowy, best!! and baju kurung too.. they absorb sweats really well. i can say, like they had build in aircond in it or anything closed to that.. haha..
huih, skirt and me never gonna be good.. i tripped, stepped on, senget benget, but practices make perfect right? hehee
ok, nak jadi lebih perempuan lagi..
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