or as know as study week.. lama dah x menapak tgok dunia luar, rasa cam org saket prophyria pulok, ala-ala edward cullen x ley kene cahaya nnti bling2.. photosensitive u all
ok, meghepek
klu dah cuti gini, slalu sgt scroll tumblr smpai x ingat dunia dah.. haha so jumpa macam2.. pastu pi tgok utube la, ape la, kesimpulan: LAGHA
dalam melagha tu, jumpa beberapa hewan cute.. aaa, rasa nak kenyek2 smpai pingsan.. cute amatttttt
they are:
cute sgtttt, klu rasa nk rasa camne tgok bende cute boley la search kat utube or tumblr gelagat diorg ni, tgok yg gif tu rasa sgt2 nk kenyek diorg sbb gerak2.. :D:D
duri duri durian.. hehe.. oh, lapa durian la pulok =_=''
jangan keja saya jangan jangan, nnti saya lompat kat muka awokk
penatla kite daki bukit ni, sejokkk brrr
nak bende ni!
"it is winter and i'm hungry all the time, problem?" said this alpaca to her mate
"say no to racism! we r all alpaca after all" this baby alpaca can save the world
p/s: ini lah bahaya study week
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