assalamualaikum... mula2 skali, bace nie..
tahniah! anda da berzikir! insyallah bertmbah pahala.. heee...
actually, this is my only week yg free from COLLOQ! so YEAYYYY!!!!! hehe
buttttt, reality check!! today abes kelas kul 6, ari2 kene study abt >20pages of new thingss.. aish... okeyh, microbe, philo, exception.. diorg sket... but try pharmaco n therapy, up to abt 50 pages.. T_T nanges2!!! blow up otak.. haha.. but, this is medic.. this is 3rd year, last theoretical year.. fuuuuh~ rase cam baru je rabu, tetibe esok dah rabu.. sigh~ =.=''
bangun pagi, gi kelas, balek kelas, dinner, stadi2, tetido, bangun, cuak2, stadi.. glance fb sket, stadi, tido proper way, pastu pagi.. and cycle repeated..
kat kelas plak, kdg2 kene kaw2 ngan chegu2, kadang2 rase like a boss sbb bley jawab, tapi kdg2 rase total loser sbb x tau pape, kdg2 lucky xsbb x kene tnye.. haha.. but, evryday blaja sumtin new.. nothin much yg repeated.. =_='' alhamdulillah, sbb Allah jadikan capacity brain kita unlimited, if la brain capacity just 1 tera, rasenye skang nie dah red bar da.. hee...
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quite similar to what medic students lalui everyday.. |
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hehe.. jom try! :D |
sibuknya awak tiap2 minggu...=)
jgn dilupa, belajar pun ibadah jugak...
semoga kita sentiasa tajdid niat kita, kenapa kita study..