Smile2!!!!!! hehe.. yes2!! like that, smile2,,.. ok, good. :) senyum itu sedekah.. hehe... owh2.. this is not related to my entry today.. soo, i think that there are two deffinition of beauty..which are:
so, i'll explain both words to u guys.. but2 before that.. i wanna share sumtin.. sumtin that girls will go crazy about.... MAKE-UP!! hehe.. it makes girls lookkk BEAUTIFUL...
so, as a muslim.. i had done some research on make-up in Islam.. i wanna know if Islam permitted make up or prohibited it.. so, what is make-up??? in arab, make up diistilahkan as alatuj tajmil that means mempercantikkan diri.. but in english, cosmetic means alat kecantikan wanita.. so, in Islam, there are some rules that were made to be followed if we want to apply make-up..
"...Janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang jahiliyah yang dahulu...' (Al-Ahzab:33)
Hadis Rasulullah tentang sifat perhiasan perempuan secara umum: "wewangian lelaki adalah apa yang tampak (jelas) baunya dan tersembunyi warnanya, dan wewangian perempuan adalah apa yang tampak warnanya dan tersembunyi baunya" (HR. Tirmidzi) so, girls, jgn pkai wangi2 sgt, warna2 x pe, tapi jgn berlebihan just nice je..
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just nicely choose ur compact powder tu blend in well with ur skin.. |
so, hopefully now, everyone da understand what is make-
up,it's like berhias in malay..
in order to look beautiful, we must take control of our hygiene first!! huhu.. jgn bau busuk!!! jgn serabai2!!(even kdg2, diri-sendiri pon serabai) haha.. erm, cakap sal musuk2 nie, tadi bila naek bus nak balek umah form uni, dok dalam bus tu lame2... make me penin2, because they all bau musukkkkk.... fyi, skang nie winter, so rmai org2 kat sini x mandi.. mandi jarang2 je seminggu.. so, kita kene jaga image as a muslim yg pembersih.. mandi2!! mandi selalu... and mandi kecil berwuduk selalu.. so jarang2 sambil2 mandi, bley la wat spa!! hehe.. homemade spa!!!
aaaa, talking about spa rite,, hehe i likeeee!!!!! :D ok2 sini nk bgi tips sket... low-cost spa... owh2, tapi nanti lari topic... hurm.. xpe2!! i'll post it in another entry one day.. so, bila kita da wangi.. Allah pun suke.. :)
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i want this!!!! badly!!!! |
and Islam also permitted us to wear kohl(eye-liner).. this was describe in hadis.. this hadis was being explain by Ummu Athiyah " kami dilarang berkabung untuk mayat lebih dari tiga hari, kecuali atas suami selama empat bulan sepuluh hari. kami tidak boleh bercelak, memakai wewangian dan memakai pakaian yang bercelup" (HR: Bukhari and Muslim) so, hadis ini menerangkan bhwa, perempuan boleh mengenakan celak, wewangian da pakaian bercelup dalam normal condition... prohibited mase berkabung..
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celak or kohl tu camni la.. cantekkkannnn mata dia!! |
then, thirdly, cara berpakaian, as berhias melalui, kita kene la pilih elok2 yg nie... because as a muslim, we must cover our aurat.. MUST wear hijab..
so, camne nk pilih pakaian:
1. tidak ketat, as if x stick kat badan cam legging tuu.. u guys tau kan legging..and also skinny jeans... hehe.. x bley pkai tuu kt luar, mnmpkkn susuk badan
nie la legging,, jgn pkai kat luar tauu.. |
2. x ley jarang.. u all mesti penah jer kan ternmpk bju kurung yg lengan jarang.. even though bju tu x ketat, but if ade light, sume nmpk, erm,,, forbidden..
3. x singkat.. lbuhkan pakaian and tudung sehingga menutup bahagian tertentu..
4. x menyerupai lelaki.. oooo yg nie, jgnla dress up smpai org x ley nk differentiate u guys gurl or guy.. huhu
5.tidak boros.. oh kenape???? hehe.. don't buy dress that is tooo mahal coz that is call as membazir, buy yg sweet2 yng biasa2 je.. hehe.. spya bley slalu pkai...
6.sedap mata memandg.. jgn wat fashion crime.. (rasenye cam penah wat) sbb, nati, x terjaga la image kita...
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i likeee!!!!! |
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kawaiiii!!! |
so, these are some tips on how to be beautiful!!!! hehe.. make-up or berhiasla secara sederhana.. igt!! woman MUST lower their gaze!!! jgn make-up or berhias secara berlebihan as being shown in magazine or internet coz that is BEAUTY-FOOL.. be beautiful girls!! hehe.. beauty does fool some of the girls outside.. pleaseee, don't be one of them..
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beauty-fool!!! haha.. perfect word to describe em all.. |
as a women and a muslim we must obey our religion and take care of our personality at the same time.. so that people will notice that, muslim is not only beautiful inside but also outside... because Allah menyukai sesuatu yang cantek.. lets us beramal n berdakwah!! insyallah..
lastly, WHOA!!
Salam Etie =)
ReplyDeleteMenarik post. Nak tanya if possible boleh tak nak mintak kongsi map anatomy tu? Mcm interesting je.
*Mood untuk belajar sangatlah kurang, so perlukan perangsang hehe.
Harap sudi membantu ^^
Jazakillahu khaira :-)
nice post.. =D
ReplyDeletethanks kak qiki!!!!! :D:D hehe..
ReplyDeleteEtie ada YM tak?
ReplyDeleteMy YM ID : wannuraishah
mantap n menarik!
ReplyDeletejzkk for the tips and guide! ^_^