assalamualaikum semua.. n_n
sgt lame x update blog.. a lot of things coming thru dekat akhir2 nie.. exam fever dah mai dah.. ketaq2 lutut..
=_='' hurm, camne nk jadi rajin nieeeyyy!! haiyoo.. dunno how, but fake it till u make it rite! :D
chiillllll.. heh
btw, lately senang saket..x tau nape.. ritue malaise + fever + celcema +atukk
pastu, kit yot + fever + malaise + running nose
patom, gatai2 tekak
n now, batuk kong kang kong kang.. =_=''
x tau nape.. immunity rendah kowt.. hurm...
pape pown..
2011 gonna ends soon.. esok da 2012..
sometimes i just forget that i'm 20.. slalu igt 19.. x tau nape.. urgh..
esok da 21.. 21!!!!!! kowttttt.. uhuh.. but nothing much changed in me..
still rase cam kanak2..
still x meced..
still x independence..
still tgok spongebob.
still tgok cartoon..
still singing to twinkle2 lil star..
i think, i'm 12 instead of becoming 21..
tapi, dengan masa, i should move on.. be more mature, more like a women than a girl..
mission 2012: making things that impossible, possible.. :D cheewahh!
and here, something that i've done in 2011.. :)
cross what i've done.. copy from tumblr.. hehe.. copy lah if u think this is fun..
Gotten a new piercing.
Dyed my hair.
Ended a relationship.
Started a new relationship.
Been on a long car/bus journey.
Passed an exam.
Met someone who’s now an important part of my life.
Cried on someone’s shoulder.
Had a massive fight with a boy/girl.
Received flowers.
Had a Valentine.
Written a letter using pen & paper.
Gone to see a therapist.
Been prescribed medication by a doctor.
Read a really good book.
Gone to the zoo.
Spent too much money on unnecessary things.
Traveled by train.
Cried over a member of the opposite sex.
Spent the day out in the sun getting a tan.
Slammed a door out of frustration.
Had an anxiety attack.
Babysat for a friend’s child.
Had a BBQ.
Gone to the fair
Gone bowling.
Seen a film at the cinema in 3D.
Gone on a date.
Been the only sober one on a night out.
Helped someone home after they had been drinking.
Stayed up all night.
Talked on the phone for over two hours.
Supported someone who’d received bad news.
Watched some kind of live sporting event.
Read an entire book in one day.
Bought a DVD the day it was released.
Eaten McDonald’s more than four times in a single week.
Cried as a result of exam stress.
Met some incredible new people.
Gone to great parties.
Fallen backwards off a chair.
Broken my glasses.
Worn a watch for the first time in years.
Cried over someone in the past.
Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet.
Thrown up.
Cried over a film.
Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-boy/girlfriend.
Fought with someone in public.
Been in a relationship for a year or longer.
Cried in front of someone I adore.
Lost some of my closest friends.
Dyed my hair.
Had a massive fight with a boy/girl.
Had a Valentine.
Traveled by train.
Spent the day out in the sun getting a tan.
Babysat for a friend’s child.
Gone bowling.
Gone on a date.
Been the only sober one on a night out.
Helped someone home after they had been drinking.
Stayed up all night.
Read an entire book in one day.
Bought a DVD the day it was released.
Eaten McDonald’s more than four times in a single week.
Cried as a result of exam stress.
Broken my glasses.
Worn a watch for the first time in years.
Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-boy/girlfriend.
Fought with someone in public.
Been in a relationship for a year or longer.
Cried in front of someone I adore.
Lost some of my closest friends.
p/s: just for fun.. hehe.. :) smoga tahun baru jadi tahun yg lebey baek dari segi rohani, akal n jasmani... hehe.. :D:D
selamat tahun baru...smoga azam y tak tercapai taun ni dilaksanakan taun depan...
ReplyDeletehappy new year!
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