so, for the past 2 weeks, i had eat clean and do some workout.. sbb cuti haritu gain 7 kilos in a blink.. OMG! huhu, fat belly, fat arms, chubby cheeks, and bye bye dress.. T_T sgt sedih, tapi nikmat makan makann kat mesia yg best tu sapa boley sangkal kan??
so on 1/9/2014, masa nak gi kelas, pakai la cardigan yg slalu pakai, pastu ketat dekat lengan.. rasa cam nak nanges, sbb dah x ley nak pakai baju feveretttt.. tapi masa september tu, malas lagi nak berdiet n bersenam.. skali, bila dah nak dekat sambutan raya kat volgo ni, jubah raya x muat aish, memang mmbakar semangt eat clean n workout!
so, start eat clean n diet on 28/9/2014.. roughly dah dua minggu..
-berat masih sama
-waist dah kurang seinci
-same goes with lengan
-baju cardigan tu dah loose, looooooosseeeeeeeeeee
-seluar dah loose
-badan rasa ringan
-stamina memang meningkat! (can play volley n futsal without gasping for air even sejam maen nonstop)
1. workout tiap2 malam.. aerobik guna video bipasha basu workout indoor unleash, memang berpeluh2!! (video kat bawah).. memang best dan berpeluh.. full body workot.. sapa2 stamina tinggi boleh buat 2 rounds.. satu round about 20 minutes.. squat sgt banyakk, kaki saket esoknyaaaaaaa
2. 7 minutes workout.. download apps kat apps store or play store.. buat satu cycle pon dah penat.. ada plank, side plank, triceps dip, crunches and many more.. tapi besttt, cardio n toning all in one..
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huih, ni ponat niiii.. tapi berbaloiiiiii |
4. atau alternate ngan exercise ni,. if dah bosan dengan routine yg sama.. (goodbye muffin top).. haha, lawak, baru tahu diorg panggil perut buncit tu muffin top.. hehe
banana-strawberry smoothie
-1 banana
-1cup strawberry ( i used frozen strawberry)
-1 cup kefir/ yogurt
-1 cup grapes
-mints leaves
good for ur muscle and gastrointestinal tract.. byk probiotic in kefir.. memang bagus for digestion and weight loss..
6. green smoothie for breakfast
green smoothie
-2 cabbage leaves
-1 carrot
-1 apple
-1 small size cucumber
-1 cup kefir/yogurt
-1/2 cup milk (optional, if the smoothie is to thick or hard to blend u can add some milk)
rich in fiber and sgt mengenyngkan.. even bekal pergi kelas pon bawak smoothie ni.. sbb x nak terbeli roti yg rich in carbs..
7. add on protien, like chicken breast, red beans, scramble eggs, almonds, sunflower seeds..
8. drink a loooot of water.. about 2.5 litres a day..
9. drink up to 5 cups of green tea without sugar a day..
and remember!!!!