Wednesday, June 22, 2011

handling baby

Hi There~

urghhh~ exam weeks make me fat!!!! 

i drink 2 kg yogurt per day.. 
as i already mentioned in the previous post... hehe.. 

btw, sgt takowt ngan exam.. smoga Allah permudahkan segalanya.. insyallah.. ameen.. ameen.. just wanna go back home safely and joyfully.. insyallah.. 

btw, i'm soooo grateful todayy.. 

Alhamdulillah.. sbbnye, mmg da sure bley wat summer practical kat mesia.. andd the besttttt part is, i'm gonna do my practical in pediatric department!!! hehe..

handling cute kids and babiess.. nothing more adorable compare to themm.. oh myyyy~ i looooooikkkke! btw, kene simpan excited tu sket.. sbbnye exam x abes lagi,, huhuuu.. sososososoooo neves rite now..

 ya Allah, ya Rab, permudahkanlah segalanya... ameen...

p/s: hellllloo babiess... whooaaaa!! hehe,, :D

Monday, June 13, 2011

exam mode

Hi There!

me, eating a lotttt, because this is study week.. and it obeys this law...  

spell this backward
stressed = desserts


this picture made my day..

p/s: feel like whoa!! eat a lot.. one day, 2 liters yogurt in my tummy.. =_=''