Thursday, April 28, 2011

caramel pudding~

Hi There! :D

whooa! :D:D yeahh.. 

it's been so long that i didn't make my fav pudding.. caramel pudding.. 

lately, i'd been missing my family soooo much.. miss those cooking made by my mom n sis.. especially my sis's pudding~ she had taught me how to cook this pudding since i'm in lower form.. hehe.. 

even though i had made these pudding thousandss of time before, but their taste n structure isn't as perfect as my sis's pudding... T_T she's sooooo good at cookinggg~ i adoreeee her.. hehe.. (huh, bila la nk jadi cam my sis niiee~ aishh!)

ok2, so here i want to share the simplest recipe to make caramel pudding~ hehe, soooo simple, even teddy bear pown bley wat, klu kita gerak2kan dia la... n_n.. heeeee...

sooo, the ingredients are~
for pudding:
6 eggs
1 table spoon castard/corn flour/flour(*listed according to priority)
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
1 tin evaporated milk (susu cair)
1 cup sugar
evaporated milk.. 

for caramel:
6 table spoons sugar
1/2 cup water

so, how to make it?
u need a blender.. blend all the ingredients for pudding together.. just blend it.. hehe.. senanggkann~

for caramel, masak gula n air.. and wait till the colour of the sugar turn golden yellow.. add some water if the water evaporate sooo fast..

meanwhile, heat up ur steamer.. important! 

when the sugar had changed to our desired colour, then, pour the caramel into bekas yg nk masak puding.. jgn tggu till sugar to jadi brown sgt2, nati pahittt.. x cedappp~ hehe.. trust me, it used to happen to me~ hehe.. :P

this is golden yellow..~ hehe..

ratakan caramel kat bekas tu.. the reason is to make sure that pudding will not stick to the bekas.. hehe.. then pour the blended ingredients into the bekas.. :D:D then, masuk lam steamer for about 40 minutes.. 

and tadaaaa~ WAAALLLAA! ready to eat ur own caramel pudding.. :D hehe.. 

yuuuummyy! aishhh, lapa la plak tgok nieeee.. T_T

celamat mencuba.. n_n 

p/s: a tribute to my sister! mish u dear... muahx!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

bad things happen and i'm the lucky person...

Hi There!!~

today... a BAD day.. i'll remember this date 4evaa.. huh~ 


and people, be extra carefullllllllllll... pickpocket belambbak kat luarr.. huh, so tiringggg, pegi police station and gave some statement, adeh, camla bley dapat balek purse tu.. the chance is 0.9%,, am i hoping?? urgh~ 

pleaseeeeeee, always zip ur bag, and put ur bag in front.. and DON'T bring all ur moneyyy with u.. T_T

i hate u pickpockettttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: please, be extra careful... or u all gonna end up like me.. T_T

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

talking about the past..

Hi There~!!

hehe.. lastlyyyy... I GOT INTERNEEEETTTTTT!!!! like WHOAAA!!!! lame kooowt tgguuu... idup kat umah kawan cam nomad for a couples of day.. pheww~~ haha.. n_n

erm.. it's been sooo long since last time i log in here,, hehe. so for today, i wanna share sumtin with u all.. bila bkak notebook lame, sye jumpe mende nie.. :) and i think that i should share this with u guys.. 

it started when i asked myself about future.. erm.. what gonna happen in this near future.. am i gonna be a good doc?? am i gonna be rich?? am i gonna be a good mother(?)?? thinking about being a mom, i questioned myself once more.. "WHAT?" aiyoo, i'm not preparedddd!!!! ottokee?? then, tnpa disedari, i had wrote some lines in my notebook.. owh, lpe lak, situasi : meja stadi,, 

so, this is what i had wrote about a year ago.. haha,, bila baca balik, rase klaka la plak...

"ready or not??? mom to be?? so who's the dad?? -.-'' jodoh??? ape tu?? haha.. erm,,    talking about jodoh...

Bila kita bercakap mengenai jodoh,apa yang terbayang kat fikiran kita is pasangan hidup yg kita ade skang..

btw, kita pasti ke dia tu jodoh kita??x kan la dia kowt.. ewww~
dia tu baek x?jaga solat x??
bley x dia nak jadi suami u??bley ke dia nak jadi daddy kepada anak2 u nanti??
u yakin ke dia bley educate anak2 u?? yakin??
bley ke dia membentuk anak2 u jadi beriman?? tunaikan semua rukun iman n islam???
bley ke dia mangun malam2 utk jaga u??bila u saket, bila u tired sgt2, bila u penin, dia sudi jaga u??
u yakin ke dia akan bangun kul 3-4 pagi nak wat susu kat anak??
u yakin ke dia akan bagi nafkah kat u???u sure ke dia akn gne rezeki dia ke jalan yg betol??
bley ke dia bersabar ngan panas baran u??
sggup x dia basuh baju u??sanggup x dia kemas umah future u, sggup ke??? ha??jawab2!!!!
bley ke psngan u yg skang nie wat semua mende ni!bley ke? bley ke? u sure ke??

so, berdoalah smoga jodoh kita tu baek, beriman, beramal soleh, menyayangi Allah and love his family too..Insyallah... :)

erm, these thoughts that make me change before.. i think, these can change u too!!......."

p/s: i feel so matanggggg!! haha.. this WAS me, a year agoo.. :P matang la jgak.. tapi skang cam kanak2 je.. hehe.. :p hope this can help u guys too~ like WHOAA!