Saturday, December 31, 2011


Hi There!! 

assalamualaikum semua.. n_n
sgt lame x update blog.. a lot of things coming thru dekat akhir2 nie.. exam fever dah mai dah.. ketaq2 lutut..
=_='' hurm, camne nk jadi rajin nieeeyyy!! haiyoo.. dunno how, but fake it till u make it rite! :D
chiillllll.. heh

btw, lately senang saket..x tau nape.. ritue malaise + fever + celcema +atukk
pastu, kit yot + fever + malaise + running nose
patom, gatai2 tekak
n now, batuk kong kang kong kang.. =_=''

x tau nape.. immunity rendah kowt.. hurm...

pape pown.. 
2011 gonna ends soon.. esok da 2012.. 
sometimes i just forget that i'm 20.. slalu igt 19.. x tau nape.. urgh..
esok da 21.. 21!!!!!! kowttttt.. uhuh.. but nothing much changed in me.. 

still rase cam kanak2..
still x meced..
still x independence..
still tgok spongebob.
still tgok cartoon..
still singing to twinkle2 lil star..
i think, i'm 12 instead of becoming 21.. 
tapi, dengan masa, i should move on.. be more mature, more like a women than a girl.. 

mission 2012: making things that impossible, possible.. :D cheewahh!

but a lot of things happened in 2011.. and sket sebnyk, the memories leave me with a thousands of unanswered questions.. and i'm still searchin the meaning behind those memories.. hope i'll get all the answers in 2012.. ngee.. :) hope so, insyallah.. 

and here, something that i've done in 2011.. :)
cross what i've done.. copy from tumblr.. hehe.. copy lah if u think this is fun.. 

Gotten a new piercing. 
Dyed my hair.
Ended a relationship.
Started a new relationship.
Been on a long car/bus journey. 

Passed an exam.
Met someone who’s now an important part of my life.
Cried on someone’s shoulder.

Had a massive fight with a boy/girl.
Received flowers
Had a Valentine.
Written a letter using pen & paper. 
Gone to see a therapist. 
Been prescribed medication by a doctor.
Read a really good book.
Gone to the zoo. 
Spent too much money on unnecessary things.

Traveled by train. 
Cried over a member of the opposite sex.
Spent the day out in the sun getting a tan. 
Slammed a door out of frustration.
Had an anxiety attack.

Babysat for a friend’s child.
Had a BBQ.
Gone to the fair

Gone bowling.
Seen a film at the cinema in 3D.
Gone on a date.
Been the only sober one on a night out. 
Helped someone home after they had been drinking.
Stayed up all night.
Talked on the phone for over two hours.
Supported someone who’d received bad news.
Watched some kind of live sporting event.

Read an entire book in one day.
Bought a DVD the day it was released.
Eaten McDonald’s more than four times in a single week.
Cried as a result of exam stress.
Met some incredible new people. 
Gone to great parties.
Fallen backwards off a chair.

Broken my glasses. 
Worn a watch for the first time in years.
Cried over someone in the past.
Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet. 
Thrown up.
Cried over a film.

Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-boy/girlfriend.
Fought with someone in public.
Been in a relationship for a year or longer. 
Cried in front of someone I adore.
Lost some of my closest friends.

p/s: just for fun.. hehe.. :) smoga tahun baru jadi tahun yg lebey baek dari segi rohani, akal n jasmani... hehe.. :D:D

Monday, December 12, 2011

endure it

Hi There!

pertama skali..
lately, byk sgt penyaket mai singgah.. =_='' demam, saket tekak, selsema, mucus2 sume2, saket2 sume2.. tapi mulut nie cepat je mengeluhh.. aish!!! i knew i shouldn't mengeluh, but i just can't help it.. smpailah tersinggah satu blog yg ade tulis ini:

"Tidaklah seorang Muslim ditimpa gangguan berupa penyakit dan lain-lainnya, melainkan Allah menggugurkan kesalahan-kesalahannya sebagaimana pohon yang menggugurkan daunnya." (Bukhari-Muslim)

woaaahh!!! rase cam kene ketuk2 kepala.. :D:D rupe2nye saket nie satu nikmat yg Allah berikan.. x semua Allah berikan nikmat saket ini, hanya to choosen one, sebagai kafarah untuk dosa.. insyallah.. then, i redha and teruskan hidup, sealed mulut, dah x nak mengeluh! :D

haha. :P

arinie, gi kelas lam keadaan separa sehat.. saket2 sket.. lecture tadi tertido.. aiyaa kantoi maaa.. haha, tulisan lam buku jadi cam cacing2 x faham suda.. :p tapi saket tu kan kafarah dosa, maka i pown kuatkan semangat.. gi kelas seterusnya.. 

bertahan dengan saket, no i mean, endure the pain!!! chaiiiyokkkkk... pastu maybe mata cam lebam2 sket sbb tido lam lecture muahahaha.. n mmg muka tgah tahan saket, chegu suruh gi beli ubat.. so pegi la beli, then makan, pastu ubat tu ngantooksksksksksss.. pale da x btol.. chegu cakap.. идите домой.. :O 

muka x larat, senyum, kemas2 beg, balek.. hehe.. :D:D smpai umah, tido.. bgun, terasa diri lebey sehat.. alhamdulillah.. :D

owh, tapikan skang nie bising2 sal rntai owl tu kan?? yg comey tu kan?? tau x?? ade org ckp x ley pakai sbb gmba haiwan or sbb dia bawa unsur freemason? owh?? byk plak tnda soal aish...... =.='' aritue penah pakai kowttt.. woooot, cute kowt mende tu.. eheh... aynn punyaaa :p

cute kan?? :D:D

p/s: jom stadi!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Hi There!

crying like a bosss.. pleasee.. T_T nak balek mesia lah!!

Our parents

p/s: عن عبد الله بن مسعود قالسألت النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم :أي العمل أحب إلى الله تعالى؟قال:الصلاة على وقتها,قال:ثمأي؟ قال:ثم بر الولدين ,قال:ثم أي؟ قالالجهاد في سبيل اللهقالحدثني بهن رسول الله صلى الله عليه
“Daripada Abdullah Ibnu Mas’ud Radiyallahu Anhu :Aku Telah Bertanyakan Pada Nabi (S.A.W),Apakah Amalan Yang Paling Dicintai Oleh Allah Taala:Nabi Bersabda,Solat Pada Waktunya,Aku Bertanya Lagi:Apa Lagi Wahai Rasulullah?Baginda Bersabda:Kemudian Berbuat Bakti Kepada Ibu Bapa,Aku Bertanya Lagi,Apa Lagi Wahai Rasulullah?Baginda Bersabda:Berjihad Di Jalan Allah,Kemudian Rasulullah Berkata Kepada Aku,Andai Kamu Bertanya Lagi Nescaya Akan Aku Menjawabnya.”
       [Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari & Bukhari]

Thursday, December 8, 2011

boo lat

Hi There!

winterrrrrrr is comiiiiiiiiiing... oh waittttt, skrang la winternyeee adeess...
da december nie, but snow x turun cam november pown? sejok pown x sejok cam november pown.. =_=''
tapiii nape makan byk macam november jugak?? nape??

ohooo.. proses melemakkan badan bermula.. 
yea, dah bermula lame da.. 

so camne nk balancekan??
winter = makan banyak = boo lat.. booooo llaaaat, double bulaatt.. 
sooo, jom kita puasa sunat!! alang2 winter nie, berbuka pown awal, imsak lmbat.. tmbah pahala.. malam pown pnjang, bley la exercise solat2 tahajud sket.. :D:D
x ke gitu???

hehe.. kuar umah gelap, balek umah gelap.. if puasa mesti x terasa sgt.. hati pown tenang je bila puasa.. oh, i always feel that when i'm fasting.. :D sonooookkk.. x yah gelabah nk fikir makan kat mane and nk bawak duet berape, n nak makan time bile and so on so on on on so.. 

dude, it's wintahhhh!! =_=''

p/s: jom tingktkn ibadah time winter.. :D

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi There!

assalamualaikum.. :)
today we, volgogradian ade closing ceremony kirovsky week kat masjid kirovsky.. 
theme: "sebarkan cinta rumah Ilahi".. very nice theme rite?? hehe, menyentuh hati semua muslimin kat volgo nie.. masjid nie dibina atas hasil usaha infaq muslims dari serata dunia.. and malaysian students here are a part of it.. 

lam kirovsky week nie ade photo contest.. so, i participate.. just trying my luck on something that i love the most.. photography.. i finally find my new passion.. taking photos.. and be in photos as well.. hehe.. :p x salah rite??? lock up all the memories, freeze it, frame it! :D 

photos worth thousands of unexplained expression.. that's why i love photography.. i can express everything i feel, i saw, i experience in a single shot and share it with others.. :) i just love the feeling.. and after dpt shot that i like, i feel puas!! puas sngt2.. cukup untuk hilangkan tension.. just doing this, i feel that i can freely express my feeling.. :)

so, i send 4 photos.. 2 DSLR n 2 non-DSLR.. theme photo contest: colour of life..
actually, i x de camera pown.. HAHA,, pinjam camera kawan2 aja.. x de duet agi nk beli.. T_T sedeeeyy.. sume hanta gmba2 yg sgt2222 cantekk,, rase segan plak, sbb they all photographer yg sgt2 pro.. and paling penting diorg ade CAMERA.. and me not.. sigh~ =_=''

here are my photos.. :)
winning photos!!!
58 votes.. :D winning photos..  that is not blood, i mixed sirap with minyakk hehe.. :D

52 votes.. a view from my balcony,, ignore my bad handwriting., =_=''

got 14 votes.. :p i posted this already rite!! love this much~

got 19 votes.. :D my personal fav!

thanks to all voters,,, involuntary n voluntary voters.. hehe.. :p and not to forget to the judges. :)
thanks to biro kirovsky sbb organized minggu kirovsky yg sgt2 cool!! :D:D

p/s: this boost up my spirit to make more photos!! :D 
* seriously, i need a dslr.. erm, maybe digi cam first.. hee.. anyone nak bagi? :p

Saturday, December 3, 2011

never grow up

Hi There!

it's december.. WHAT?? 2011 gonna end soon..
haishh.. semaken pendek umur di dunia.. semaken dekat nak date ngan Izrail..
ya Allah, berkatilah umur kami semua.. ameeen..

this morning kat uni, ade small photo exhibition kat ngan lobby uni..
theme:  "детсво" -childhood-

when i stared at one of the pic, it reminds me of my childhood.. the most unstress, joyful moment of my life!!

mase kita kecik2, everyone tends to like us..overload cutenesss level la katakan... HAHA.. :p btol la kan, baby semua cute2!!  my sis penah cakap, Allah nie hebat! sbb semua baby mesti cute2, x kesah la human baby, or baby ele, baby itik, baby ikan, coz, dgn cuteness tu, mak baby2 nie akan lembut hati.. n bertambah2 sayang.. so now, subhanallah!

one day, mase kat umah, i asked my mother and my father, mereka anggap sy cam umur berape.. haha.. bunyi cam lawak, but try la ask ur parents about this! the results are unexpected.. ngee

and here it goes:
me: umi, umi anggap adek umo brape ek skang?
umi: erm,, lima tahun.. adek kecik lagi.. :)
me: oh,, lima tahun??? ptutlaa... hurm.. abah plak anggap adek umo bape?
abah: older than lima taun.. macam 14 tahun.. hehe..
me: owh, abah da anggap adek besa la ek?
abah: not really, tapi bley la klu adek gi kedai sorang2, kurang da risau sket..
me: =_=''

lawak plak.. ngee.. so, why i asked them those q? because, if i nak bawak kete nk gi kedai yg jarak dia less than 1km pown, my mom pesan cam2. pkai seat beat, igt hon kat selekoh tu, jgn bawak laju sgt, ade pape call, jgn lintas2 kete org.. lampu merah berenti, jgn buat2 berani..  and me: nodding silently.. haha, after knowing that umi anggap me like 5 years old girl, i rase klaka sgt2 bila umi pesan macam2.. I LOVE U UMI!

abah plak cool je.. cme dia akan jadi suprised if i masak pape utk lunch.. hehe.. then he realized that i'm big now.. I LOVE U ABAH.. 

argh, homesick la plakkkkk.. aish... T_T

i'll never grow up umi n abah! 
i'll always be ur lil daughter.. 
ur lil 5 years old daughter.. :) 
always be..

p/s: listen to this..

So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city, they just dropped me off
It's so much colder than I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi There!

orange jaipur tea.. make me stay up this longggg... haa..
only tea? yup.. only tea.. TEA!! =_='' lame kan? 
others taking cups of coffee to stay up.. 
but me, just a cup of tea.. 
LAME.. BOO.. yeah, boo me..

but dun boo much.. i'll kick u.. HAHA

last time i took coffee, mase kat intec dlu.. my housemate, kenalkan i ngan coffee BOSS.. haha.. HAHA.. REALYYYYYYY STRONG ONE.. believe me!!!! i barely sleep.. urgh.. *sebenarnye amek coffee sbb wat assignmnt last minutes.. i remmbr my housemate drank 2 tins of that.. and she can't sleep for abt 30 hours i think.. or more.. heheee.. :p

inilah boss.. brazil mari..

then, mase first year dlu, my housemate ade beli coffee bangla kat produkti dekat ngan umah.. haha.. sape2 minum x tidooo more than 24 hours.. HOHOOOOO.. strong maaa.. but i didn't take it.. HAHA

kat mesia minum je nescafe "O" ice.. tpi tgah hari je.. x berani minum malam.. kang i'm zombified.. haha SCARYY.. :P byk plak caps lock.. =_='' dun care.. 

okeyh.. the point is, third year really drive me mad.. now i'm thinking abt taking caffeine.. but, naseb x amek.. haha.. tea is enough for me.. but sometimes terlintas nk try coffee.. kang dependence x pasal.. *effect blaja pharmaco semua nk apply :D

preload all the info to BANG all the colloq coming ahead.. haha... bang22222 u!! 
bang apenye, oral based exam.. =_=''' urgh..

bang!!! bang bang banggggg!!!!!!!!! sonoknye if dpt bang2 jwb soklannnnn,, :B

p/s: medicstudentnolife...lifeonlyonfbntweetnblog..outsidelifeisonourwaytoclasshospitaletc.. i really mean this..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

our r square pie

Hi There!

winter.. snowflakes.. -13.. volgo.. russia..
sunny day.. green trees.. bird's chirping...

i miss malaysia... miss my family.. miss everything.. 
i wanna be perfect for them.. in every aspect of life..

my friends.. i love u all.. sincerelyy... 
be happy where ever u are rite now.. 
malaysia, russia, egypt, india, ireland, australia, america, united kingdom
and the list goes on....

to some friends... 
i think we should talk more back then...
i think i should know everybody better..

must have share all our lil secrets..
share everything that we love..
having a small chit chat when we bum to each other..
so that, now, i won't regret anything...
it's awkward when we used to know each other..
but remains an alien...
in mars..
in reality, we still on earth..

i coloured my life.. specifically.. not freely..
something i regret..

my personal fav.. taken when i'm on way to my fren's house..

p/s: can someone invent me a time machine?? coz, katy perry need it too.. :p

Saturday, November 12, 2011

snow again

Hi There

rite now in volgo, it's winterish autumn.. wujud ke perkataan tu?? dunnoo.. haha dun check it either it is exist in oxford dictionary or in collion's dictionary, bcoz, i'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.. HAHA.. 

i just love snow!! the snow flurries that fall down from the greyish sky (the sky isn't blue in winter) covered all the imperfection.. so, everything look nice, smooth and beauty.. *smpai rase cam nak baring2 golek2 even though dekat tong sampah.. =_=''

walking home from beloved uni.. :)
yeah, we love snow..
p/s: pleasseee dun melt!

Friday, November 11, 2011

beloved UGG

Hi There!~

almost a week without any new post..
hehe.. cam2 terjadi.. 

this year winter sgt2 early.. so sonok!! i just love snow!! :D:D putih2 everywhere.. if jalan2 lam park, smbil denga lagu2 lam secret garden mmg layan abess.. sronok2!! heee.. 
*okeyh terlebey excited ngan snow.. urghh~ 

sebenanye nk write sal my beloved UGG!!

my love, my life, my soul.... hehee... UGG nie la segala2nya.. n_n
i lovee UGG!!! diorg sgt2 selesa utk dipakai, senang dipakai, bergaya? maybe.. sgt warmmmmmmm~ and sebenarnye UGG sgt murahh!!! murah2222... i mean, if UGG yg jenama from aussie tu mmg la mahal, but yg biasa2 punya murahhh je.. 

soo, these are my babiess...

baby red, baby grey, baby busuk brown.. :D
with rodi's UGG in surgery class..
tapikan, sbb UGG nie teramat murah kat sini, selalu je ternampak org2 yg pkai UGG yg copy paste same cam my UGG.. mybe lam kilang dulu, diorg from the same piece of fiber? =_='' 

red baby in snowww.. :D ramai org ruski beli ini punya UGG.. so same.. 
dan bila nmpak ruski pkai UGG same.. so, that awkward moment..

and bila ur frens notice em too and poke u.. and gave u that typical glance.. =_=''

p/s: haha.. :D:D

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

two-year-old, he

Hi There! 

assalamualaikum.. 2/11/11

today is my nephew's 2nd birthday!! huhu.. igt lagi mse mula2 dia nak lihat dunia, sebok2 msg umi n abah kat mesia lam kelas russian.. =_='' punyala x saba.. haha.. overdue baby la kan.. 

dengan meningktnye umur dia, maka da dua taun sy kat russia.. pheww~ rase cam baru smalam pre-departure program ngan senior2!! ahakkkk, poyo je, padahal nak je balek cepat.. :p

adam bley jmpe che sue dia yg jelita nie jarang2 je.. setaun ade la dalam 20 hari jumpe.. hehe.. nape jrg jumpe?? sbb, dia dok cameron highlandss.. tempat pelancongan eksklusif.. :D sbb mama n papa dia keje sane.. dia ade sorg kakak yg amat2 nakal.. jap, if kakak dia nakal, dia ape? super nakal? super sayaa? haha.. HAHA.. 

pape pown.. 
che sue love u always and always be.. 
adam, senyyyuuumm, chak!!!
Wan Muhd Adam
p/s: besanyo la spek.. =_=''