Monday, December 27, 2010

eye bag.. beg mata..

Hi There :)

Since this is our so-many-colloqss week, i bet that everyone of us, goes to class with eyebags.. haha.. erm, maybe u not, but i admit, I DO!! haha.. and some dark circle under eyes too.. and I JUST HATE IT!!! owh2.. haha.. to emo there... but then, my dark circle is quite obvious.. because, i used to wear spectacles.. and thoseee spectacles gave me eyebags.. haha.. poor mee.... mee goreng.. :P 

wait a minute... u guys know what is eye bag?? owh2, maybe periorbital puffiness.. hehe.. okey2.. here it is...
it is the minor puffiness under the eyes.. actually, our tissue under the eye is swelling, and cause puffiness.. hurm..

it is like this!!!
beg mata...
so, what is the cause??? hohoho.. :D:D so, before we get em, we prevent em....
let me list em all....

1. oversleep... huhu.. i alwayyysss oversleepppppp.. no wondeerr.. get enough sleep, dont OVERsleeppp
2. fluid retention.. when pregnant or when menstruate.. causes by hormoness
3.excess salt in diet... huhu..
4.cryingg... cause excrete salt.. lead to fluid retention
5. aging... we can do nothing bout thisssss...
6. allergic...

so, how to treat eye bag.. there are two simple ways.. which are naturally and by cosmetics...
first: natural ways... 

cutey2 little mini miny tea bag...

1. used tea bag.. soak tea bag, especially green tea bag with warm water and put in on ur eyes for about 10-15 minutess for a few times a week
back of these spoonnnn...

2. freeze table spoon overnite, and put back of the table spoon on the puff of ur eyes in the morning.


3.used cucumber or potato slices and put em on ur eyes for about 20 minutes.. (i used to sleep with em)

this is awesome!!
cosmetics: apply concealer.. or maybe roller.. try garnier 2 in 1 roller.. they r really working!! they can cover dark circle and on the same time, treat ur puffiness under eyes... i try em.. and it feels like WHOA!! hehe.. 

ps.. tryyy emmm!!!! and try under eye mask tooo.. :D

pss: avoid eyebagss, they make u looookk older...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

cheese tart

 Hi There :)

Today i would like to share with u guys the most simple recipe on making cheese tart!! hehe.. so simple, it only took 10 minutes to make and 15 minutes to bake.. hehe.,. ok2.. so, the ingredients are:

for cups: get it at ur nearest store.. u can get it at okey... they sold it there.. for only 66 rubles for 20 cups i think.. you can choose, whether u want big, small or medium cup.. i used medium cup.. hehe..

for filling: (the most important things in making tart)
250 gram cheese ( i use cir veseoli malochnik)
20 gram butter
50 gram icing sugar ( if u cannot get icing sugar at supermarker, just make it by    urself.. blend the ordinary sugar)
1 egg

and that's all!!!

owh2,,, kecik la plak.. da penat da ediit.... T_T

hehe.. firstly, mixed cheese, butter, icing sugar and egg.. mixed till sebati..hehe.. then, place ur cups on a tray, then, pour the filling into them..

before they were baked...

bakinggggg...... and waitingggg
 and baked them for about 15 minutes.. make sure not to overcook it... because if u overcook it, the filling will become hard... checkthe feelingregularly using  a fork.. hehe and then, u can enjoy eating em!!! just love it like 
WHOA!!! and........


da siap!!! whoa!! cedap2!!
 hehe.. siap da.. sooo sedappp.. try la.. :D so simple... WHOA!! credit to aynn for the recipe.. :) luv u!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

beautiful or beauty-fool?

Hi There :)

Smile2!!!!!! hehe.. yes2!! like that, smile2,,.. ok, good. :) senyum itu sedekah.. hehe... owh2.. this is not related to my entry today.. soo, i think that there are two deffinition of beauty..which are: 

this is beautiful!!

so, i'll explain both words to u guys.. but2 before that.. i wanna share sumtin.. sumtin that girls will go crazy about.... MAKE-UP!! hehe.. it makes girls lookkk BEAUTIFUL... 

so, as a muslim.. i had done some research on make-up in Islam.. i wanna know if Islam permitted make up or prohibited it.. so, what is make-up??? in arab, make up diistilahkan as alatuj tajmil that means mempercantikkan diri.. but in english, cosmetic means alat kecantikan wanita.. so, in Islam, there are some rules that were made to be followed if we want to apply make-up..

"...Janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang jahiliyah yang dahulu...' (Al-Ahzab:33)

Hadis Rasulullah tentang sifat perhiasan perempuan secara umum: "wewangian lelaki adalah apa yang tampak (jelas) baunya dan tersembunyi warnanya, dan wewangian perempuan adalah apa yang tampak warnanya dan tersembunyi baunya" (HR. Tirmidzi) so, girls, jgn pkai wangi2 sgt, warna2 x pe, tapi jgn berlebihan just nice je..

just nicely choose ur compact powder tu blend in well with ur skin..

so, hopefully now, everyone da understand what is make-
up,it's like berhias in malay.. 

in order to look beautiful, we must take control of our hygiene first!! huhu.. jgn bau busuk!!! jgn serabai2!!(even kdg2, diri-sendiri pon serabai) haha.. erm, cakap sal musuk2 nie, tadi bila naek bus nak balek umah form uni, dok dalam bus tu lame2... make me penin2, because they all bau musukkkkk.... fyi, skang nie winter, so rmai org2 kat sini x mandi.. mandi jarang2 je seminggu.. so, kita kene jaga image as a muslim yg pembersih.. mandi2!! mandi selalu... and mandi kecil berwuduk selalu.. so jarang2 sambil2 mandi, bley la wat spa!! hehe.. homemade spa!!!

aaaa, talking about spa rite,, hehe i likeeee!!!!! :D ok2 sini nk bgi tips sket... low-cost spa... owh2, tapi nanti lari topic... hurm.. xpe2!! i'll post it in another entry one day.. so, bila kita da wangi.. Allah pun suke.. :)

nanti saya post ek, sal spa.. tgguuuuu...

i want this!!!! badly!!!!
secondly, berhiaslah dengan sederhana.. igt, women must lower their gaze... make-up sket2 je, just pkai compact powder yg x nmpkkn muke kita berminyak.. for me compact powder is a light make-up,, so that org tgok muka kita pown rasa calm.. we also can gain our confidence level and others, if kat sini, ruski klu tgok kita pown, suke, sbb kulit nmpk cantek.. do u guys know about humrah?? from kitab Al-Mu'jam Al Wasith, humrah is mixture of wewangian yg digunakn oleh perempuan utk mengoles wajahya, agar indah warnanya..apart from that, bride pada zaman Rasululullah biasa berhias dengan shufrah(wewangian berwrna yellow)

and Islam also permitted us to wear kohl(eye-liner).. this was describe in hadis.. this hadis was being explain by Ummu Athiyah " kami dilarang berkabung untuk mayat lebih dari tiga hari, kecuali atas suami selama empat bulan sepuluh hari. kami tidak boleh bercelak, memakai wewangian dan memakai pakaian yang bercelup" (HR: Bukhari and Muslim) so, hadis ini menerangkan bhwa, perempuan boleh mengenakan celak, wewangian da pakaian bercelup dalam normal condition... prohibited mase berkabung..
celak or  kohl tu camni la.. cantekkkannnn mata dia!!

then, thirdly, cara berpakaian, as berhias melalui, kita kene la pilih elok2 yg nie... because as a muslim, we must cover our aurat.. MUST wear hijab..
so, camne nk pilih pakaian:
1. tidak ketat, as if x stick kat badan cam legging tuu.. u guys tau kan legging..and also skinny jeans... hehe.. x bley pkai tuu kt luar, mnmpkkn susuk badan
nie la legging,, jgn pkai kat luar tauu..

2. x ley jarang.. u all mesti penah jer kan ternmpk bju kurung yg lengan jarang.. even though bju tu x ketat, but if ade light, sume nmpk, erm,,, forbidden..
3. x singkat.. lbuhkan pakaian and tudung sehingga menutup bahagian tertentu.. 
4. x menyerupai lelaki.. oooo yg nie, jgnla dress up smpai org x ley nk differentiate u guys gurl or guy.. huhu
5.tidak boros.. oh kenape???? hehe.. don't buy dress that is tooo mahal coz that is call as membazir, buy yg sweet2 yng biasa2 je.. hehe.. spya bley slalu pkai...
6.sedap mata memandg.. jgn wat fashion crime.. (rasenye cam penah wat) sbb, nati, x terjaga la image kita...

i likeee!!!!!

so, these are some tips on how to be beautiful!!!! hehe.. make-up or berhiasla secara sederhana.. igt!! woman MUST lower their gaze!!! jgn make-up or berhias secara berlebihan as being shown in magazine or internet coz that is BEAUTY-FOOL.. be beautiful girls!! hehe.. beauty does fool some of the girls outside.. pleaseee, don't be one of them..
beauty-fool!!! haha.. perfect word to describe em all..
as a women and a muslim we must obey our religion and take care of our personality at the same time.. so that people will notice that, muslim is not only beautiful inside but also outside... because Allah menyukai sesuatu yang cantek.. lets us beramal n berdakwah!! insyallah..

lastly, WHOA!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

lets jalan2!!

Hi There..

U guys nak tau x one place yang no one can reach, even ade guide from mapssss... mapss dia bukan two bkan three je, tapi manyak2 map.. tapi still, no human being was able to reach there.. huhu.. mysterious x??

so, u guys can put aside pepatah yg ckp, ''we will able to reach there if we follow the map" i pown follow map nie, but x smpai2 tmpat tu... name2 tempat sume da hafal.. insyallah bley igt.. :) so, u guys nak tau x map tu camne????

let me describe it, map tu sgt besarr n sume dead end.. 
and ade pathway yg x terconnect pown.. 
cam small community la tinggal kat situ.. :D 
tapiiiiiiii, mesti u guys think that it is not worth it to know such useless map... 
if sumtin like this come cross to ur mind then u r wrong!!! hehe..
 because these mapss are really useful!! hehe.. 
it even make us to understand everything that happens daily betterr... 
so, u guys readdy to know the maps??????


ni adela peta nervi craniales (cranial nerve)
ade 12 cranial nerve overall.. 

and this one map for nervi spinalis (spinal nerve)

close up!! see that!! legs and hands!! hehe.. the innervation of spinal nerve...

the ganglion.. :)

cam jalan kat2 roundabout kan???

so, here they are!!! hehe.. need to learn these map!!!


sooooo!! these are THE MAPSSS!! haha... no one was able to reach the place mentions in the map, cozzz we are waaayy to big to enter our own nervee and blood systemm.. hehe... so, with the help of this map, we can learn the topography of veins, artery and nerves a loooooot more easier compared to the text book wich was full of words!!

erm2,,, so.. these maps were being taught during anatomy class... and fyi, this map was drawn by our own senior teacher.. he was like WHOA!! and now, he is old, but he keep coming to our anatomy department.. to see his students studying his map, i guess.. hehe.. :D:D btw, credit to Goncharov!!!!! he is brilliant!!

speaking about study, huhu, winter exam is just around the corner.. so guysss!!! lets take it to the limit!!! make it on TOP of our priority lists.. hehe.. :D STUDYYYY!!

haaaaaaa, i forgot sumtin, lets meet my mini miny teddy, DOLLY... 
hehe, she is a gift from my housemate for my so-happening-19th birthday!!! hehe.. :D

so, here is she, studying the maps with me,, hehe,.. :)

shhhhh!! she is trying to concentrate.. :P

dolly said 'i can't help myself, but way too excited to wait for our winter holiday' n_n

p/s: gonna study like WHOA!!smoga Allah memberkati semua knowledge that we had learn.. ameen...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hi There.. :)

This is gonna be my first entry.. so, i would like to welcome u all to my cutey blog!! "feels like whoa"
hehe, this blog gonna be like my 'journal'.. i'm gonna share everytin that make my life easier, less miserable and a lil bit miracle.. :D
btw, mind by grammar, because my english is worsen day by day.. haha.. so sometime i'm gonna use manglish.. i know that everyone is familiar with that,, :Dwhoa!!
so, tomorrow i got a test.. and i'm not even read a word about it yet!! haha.. okey2., 
this gonna be my new blog.. no more dark side story.. hehe.. evrything will rise up shinny.. 

p/s: i like walrus... <3
so, see u soon!! i'm planning on posting about beauty, cooking, sewing, 'altering sumtin' and otherssss.. hehe.. 
lastly, whoa!!!